Greek Style Fries With Homemade Tzatziki

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GameTimeGrub #CollectiveBias Ready to get your game on and cheer your team to a victory from the comfort of your living room? Of course you are! Because now that you’re a parent meeting friends at a pub is kinda sorta out of […]

Tuna Veggie Cakes

When Dominic and I started dating he had one request of me … and I paraphrase, “Please learn how to make tuna melts like, um, the girl before you.” Yes, in our early dating days he thought it would be a good pointer to guide my cooking to be more like his former girlfriend. At […]

Finding The Good In Christmas

To be honest, Christmas, and December in general, isn’t always the greatest around here. It holds some sad anniversaries for our family – some decades old and some quite fresh; all of which offer a dull, throbbing pain while we smile and attempt to embrace the season’s activities, remember Christ’s birth and create traditions for […]

A Christmas Beach Trip + Indoor S’More Brownies

Today’s post is sponsored by Nestle Toll House and this delightfull new product <—- take a peek and don’t be alarmed if your mouth starts watering! Friday evening we snuck away to the coast. To all you non-Northwest people it probably sounds crazy to visit the ocean in the middle of December, but hey, it’s cold at […]

Yes, the iPad Is Part of Our Homeschooling Plan

This week on Instagram I mentioned that my mom and I went out on a girl’s date and along with us came 2 kids, an iPad and an iPhone. It seemed necessary. Very necessary. For us to properly enjoy our margaritas and guacamole I needed the little ones to zone out with a dose screen […]

Gingerbread Steamer with Silk Cashewmilk

Want to win Silk Cashewmilk? Check out the giveaway details below! Twinkling lights and Santa with reindeer and as Jemma says, “Oh my goodness, a house with lights in my faaaaaavorite colors – purple and gold!” It’s been our norm lately. Evening light tours and lots of excitement from the backseat. I mean, Jemma is […]

The Best Return Policies

As you get older, you learn things about yourself. And I, have learned one very important thing about myself and my shopping habits … it’s about return policies. I’m pretty strategic about the things I buy. I research, I price compare, I hold my breath, and save. When it comes time to spend my hard earned […]

Christmas Countdown

Hello December 1st! I wanted to take quick moment and tell you that I want to do all the things with you this month. I want to make a thousand cookies and go Christmas caroling while bundled up in my favorite scarf. I want to visit Zoo Lights and Snowflake Lane, Holiday Lights and all the […]

Givings Day

Givings Day – that’s what Jemma calls Thanksgiving. It’s the sweetest and so, I don’t dare correct her. AND, what cute little turkeys ^^^ – Jem asks to make handprint art ALL THE TIME. And well, giant-eyed turkeys were obviously a fitting choice. Anyways, this blog is officially closed for Thanksgiving :) So, go to […]