Yes, the iPad Is Part of Our Homeschooling Plan

This week on Instagram I mentioned that my mom and I went out on a girl’s date and along with us came 2 kids, an iPad and an iPhone. It seemed necessary. Very necessary. For us to properly enjoy our margaritas and guacamole I needed the little ones to zone out with a dose screen time.

It worked beautifully. Margaritas were enjoyed. Kids sat quietly, enjoying their game time and I ignored the glances from those who seemed to be thinking, “Would you just look at that margarita sipping mom ignoring her children and forcing them to interact with the i-world”.

So often screen time is discounted as being a source of just entertainment, but I’ve learned that quality apps can be a great asset in Jemma and Max’s learning. I’m not ashamed to say it — we have screen time around here. Sometimes for entertainment, sometimes for learning. Almost always a balanced approach. 

I keep my ear out for the latest and greatest when it comes to toddler and preschooler apps. As I’m sure you know, not all apps are created equal and I want their screen time to count for something in our big ol’ book of creative homeschooling.

I usually hear about goodies from other moms and today, I get to be that mom with the good advice! Trust me, you want to download Mickey’s Magical Math World AND Disney Imagicademy: Parents.

These apps are the kick off of Disney’s new learning brand for 3-8 year olds. With a heart for creativity and imagination, Disney is enriching their little app users with fundamental subject matters that strategically build on one another in a fun and playful way. Games guised as learning? Sign us up! math world

Jem has been so excited to “do Mickey Math” and I’ve loved the perk of following along her progress in the Disney Imagicademy: Parents app. I’ll be honest, our homeschool days have been much more focused on letters and crafts. I’ve shied away from math because it just seems so daunting to teach algebra. I know, I know … I have many years before we get to that point, but math leads to algebra and that has made me run the opposite direction! Thankfully, Disney is helping both Jem and I take our math lessons in strides.

She plays and laughs, unlocks pins for various levels and achievements and when iPad time is over I can log into the Disney Imagicademy for Parents and see everything that she has accomplished. Having a report is WONDERFUL because I can see what she is doing, encourage her efforts, supplement her lessons, and guide her to try new things. Parents can even create different profiles for each child so they can play and be tracked individually. Watch out, Max … you’re going to be rockin’ Mickey’s Math World before you know it :)ipad 1 ipad 3

Ready to join Disney in their new venture? Download this FREE duo of fabulous apps — Mickey’s Magical Math World and Disney Imagicademy Parents — for your iPad in the Kids, Education and Entertainment section of Apple’s App Store.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. Kristine says

    I love your take on screen time! It’s all about moderation. Ben learns so much from what we let him watch and what games he plays. I’ll definitely be looking into getting the Disney apps you mentioned.

    • Gretchen says

      Good prep for future Disneyland trips too, right? Gotta get them acclimated to the classic characters!

      • Kristine says

        Absolutely! We are thinking about possibly going next year.