Our $5,000 Wedding

This spring I participated in Kari’s Koupons‘ Weddings on a Dime feature. Seeing that today is Dominic and I’s 5 year anniversary (WOOHOO!), I thought it would be fitting to share the scoop on our frugal wedding! Hope you enjoy! HOW WE MET …  Dominic and I met while attending Warner Pacific College in Portland, […]

Posing With Our Ferns

My dear friend and photographer of choice, Christine of LCS Photography, met us at our property for a lil’ afternoon photo shoot prior to Mother’s Day. Even though it is taking awhile to get everything squared away on the property (darn county), I am happy that we were able to stage our photo shoot on […]

Crockpot Yogurt

Thanks to my lovely midwife who shared her recipe, I’ve been whipping up yogurt left and right. Who would have guessed making yogurt could be so simple! INGREDIENTS & SUPPLIES 8 cups of milk 1/2 cup yogurt with live cultures Crockpot Bath towel Cheesecloth Strainer DIRECTIONS Pour 8 cups of milk (or 16 cups which […]

Easy Breezy Frittata

From weeks 7-12 of this pregnancy I didn’t cook much at all. Like nothing. We ate out, defrosted all the freezer meals I had stored, and ate cereal. But, I’m back at it. I suppose all Tivo’d Ten Dollar Dinners and The Pioneer Woman finally got to me. It’s not that I really have the […]

More Milk Cookies

Welcome to the November Carnival of Natural Parenting: Kids in the Kitchen This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared how kids get involved in cooking and feeding. Please read to the end to find a […]

I Heart Sales!

Have you discovered Heartsy yet? Well, if not, you’ve got to check it out! It’s one of those deal sites, but this one specialize in homemade, Etsy and green type products. Today through Monday they are featuring Better Life cleaning products. We have both the What-EVER and Take It For Granite cleaners and love them […]

Another Day, Another Dollar

42 months ago, Dominic and I started a long journey.    It was October 2007 and we were newlyweds. We had just moved into our first apartment, put our honeymoon on my faithful(?) MasterCard and we were ready to live it up. We were DINKs (double income, no kids) and life was our oyster.   […]

Dutch Baby Pancakes

Dutch Babies (also called German Pancakes) are my most favorite breakfast food … I eat them all day, any day. Perfect with fruit toppings and since we are going blueberry picking this weekend I am sure I’ll be baking many of these over the coming weeks. Plus, they are a great source of protein since […]