Christmas Gift Guide for Mamas

Some items listed below were gifted for review purposes. I wouldn’t share if they didn’t truly earn a spot though! ‘Tis the season for the much anticipated gift guides! I usually like to wait until after Thanksgiving, to give gratitude it’s due time to shine, but there are so many great deals already happening – […]

Five Favorites

We spent the last week of October in Houston.​​​​​​​ Dominic had a trip for work and the kids and I tagged along. Best of all, I talked my mom into meeting us there! It was a wonderful week and I can’t wait to share all about the grand things to do and see around there. […]

Gift Guide Especially For Boys

Around here birthday season rolls into Christmas and with five kids – four of which are boys – I feel like I’m constantly on the lookout for the perfect gift. For us, the perfect gift consists of something both useful and fun, something that sparks imaginative and activity, and something that can be used by […]

Usborne On the Go: Books + Activities For Happy, Smooth Adventuring

I don’t think it’s any secret that I love Usborne. The kids and I adore their stories (sweet and clean and options for all ages!) and puzzles (sturdy and pretty!) and our homeschool shelves are full of resource books we dive into often. But, Usborne isn’t just books … and that’s exactly what makes them […]

Five Favorites: Road Trip Edition

This month we roll out on an epic road trip! It’s working out to be almost 35 hours of drive time over five days covering six states. I’ve been prepping and packing for most of the month – I mean, that’s how you eat an elephant, yes? Especially when you have a little helper like […]

2021 Christmas Gift Guide

Is your Christmas shopping done yet? Mine is not … but it is getting there! Thankfully, it’s not too big of a task these days. Over the years we have scaled back our holiday gift giving – stockings and a few family gifts mostly. I like it better that way. It allows us to focus […]

Five Favorites: Transition Edition

Whoa! Like, where have I been?!? Well, we finished packing (it was comical), the kids and I moved in my sister (so grateful!), we bought a house in Texas (before we ever saw it in person), Dominic went to set things up (we miss him!), and in just a few weeks we’re road trippin’ south […]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and I’ve been brainstorming the perfect gift for my mom … and me :) Are you on the lookout too? Below you’ll find a fun assortment of treasures that most every gal in your life will love. So, whether it be Mother’s Day, a spring birthday, or just […]

Five Favorite: Postpartum Edition

Well, we have made it halfway through the 4th trimester! It has been WILD to say the least. In the midst of birth recovery we sold our house and are now heavy into packing and prepping for an out of state move. Charlie is a dream baby. He just goes with the flow and loves […]

The Holiday Gift Guide For Big Kids

Some brands gifted items included in this year’s gift guide to me for review. But as always I wouldn’t share if I couldn’t truly recommend.Affiliate links included where applicable, that does not change your purchase price, but does support my blog, so thank you! Ready? Set? Shop for those precious big kids! Sometimes it is […]