Links to Love

  • We aren’t even discussing night weaning yet, but when we do, I’m all over this book!
  • A news break in research linking autism and vaccines. It’s important to remember there is alot of money being exchanged in the world of vaccine production and advertisement. I hate to be blunt, but do your research before you stick your kid with something that is “safe”.
  • This blog has been fantastic in our journey of baby-led weaning.
  • If 7% of the world’s Christians adopted 1 child there would be no orphans. This statistic has seriously led Dominic and I to consider how we can be a part of a solution. Whether it be through prayer, financial support or adopting a child into our family we plan be a part of the change in reducing the world’s orphans.
  • As hard as it is to let go, I hope to prepare Jemma to fly away successfully someday.
  • When are we going to see more breastfeeding education in the mainstream media? This article asks some great questions in light of the recent coverage of donor milk. I couldn’t say it better than this:We need better health care for breastfeeding mothers, from prenatal care to baby-friendly hospitals to insured post-natal visits by an IBCLC. We need less social stigma against the baby on the boob, in public, so moms don’t feel ostracized and embarrassed–no mother can put her busy, multi-tasking life on hold for months or years so she can always meet the approval of the squeamish by breastfeeding in private. We need a paid maternity leave policy, which, unlike donor milk, probably no pump company will advocate for, because it would hurt their sales . . . but it is in the best interest of our mothers, our families, our employers, our insurance companies, and our global competitiveness.
  • And, as we prepare for Mother’s Day this weekend … consider spending $10 on a gift that will make an impact. Flowers and jewelry won’t change the world, but $10 could protect 5 mamas and babies in Papua New Guinea.
The Mommyhood Memos Bloggers for Birth Kits
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