She is not a friend. She is not a healthcare provider. She is a mother figure of the most ancient kind. Her life experience empowers you. She is a reassuring presence who will always listen to you and support you in your chosen path. She will remind you of those choices, and the reason you […]
The Silver Lining

Uh. Postpartum weight loss. Not a fun topic, but one of those facts of life that is so utterly real it’s annoying. After Max was born I had this grandiose idea of documenting my journey back to … well, back to something “normal”. Whatever that is. Pre-Jemma I had some of those happy marriage pounds […]
Prayers for Jake | A Story of Surrogacy & Faith
It’s with a heavy heart that I begin typing today. You see, since August I’ve been praying on the sidelines of a dear friend’s surrogacy journey. But, this story is unlike many you hear – this story is from Sarah’s* perspective. The beautiful mama who opened up her heart and her womb to help another […]
Postpartum Sitz Bath
Round 2 | Breastfeeding Essentials

1. Momzelle tanks | 2. chux pads | 3. flameless candles | 4. Milk-Saver | 5. Undercover Mama tanks Awhile back, after a few months of nursing Jemma, I wrote a handful of posts about my breastfeeding favorites amongst other tidbits of my experience. Now that I’m on round two of being a breastfeeding mama, […]
{GUEST POST} Relief from Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Kari and I met in college and proceeded to become wonderful friends – we spent countless hours working together on business projects and if I know anything about Kari, it’s that she is a beautiful spirit and a steadfast researcher. Her story doesn’t surprise me one bit and I know that her research will be […]
A Fresh Perspective — Jemma’s Beautiful Birth
The Birth Story of Max Valentine
{GUEST POST} Rin from Little One: A Birth Story
The Placenta Report
Take It Easy — 5 Things You Need After Birth
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