Jemma and I surprised Daddy at work with lunch today. We had been running errands and our last stop was Costco – what better place for lunch? We grabbed pizza and a hot dog and made our way to his cabinet shop. After lunch Dominic gave us a tour of the new cabinet show room. […]
Dream Deskspace
Welcome to Our Living Room
Months ago we found this adorable pack ‘n play in Target’s clearance. It’s finally set-up and waiting for a little baby … JUST LIKE US!
Activity Room, ready for fun!

The Activity Room consists of Dominic’s desk (never pictured), our guest bed, rocking chair for reading/nursing and baby’s bookshelf … if you are wondering why the crib is missing, see here for pictures of our Sleeping Room! Artwork by yours trulyBed, hand-me-down from my Grammy and powder coated whiteNightstand, hand-me-down from my friend, Reina, and […]
Garage Drama
Home Sweet Home
To the Brim

I am brimming with angst and longing to do something creative. Something. ANYTHING. Often time doesn’t allow, so I sit and dream of a day with lots of time and energy and enthusiasm to conquer a project other than laundry. You see, yesterday I went treasure hunting at the Salvation Army. I mean, who can […]