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Motherhood is one of those those paradigms in life where you never quite know where you stand. One moment it’s all giggles and cooking in the kitchen together and the next you’re begging sweet Jesus to bestow a long and peaceful nap upon a pack of wild creatures sometimes known as your children.

Am I alone in that sentiment?

This space is a collection of thoughts on motherhood, peeks into our memories, favorites recipes, natural remedies, tidbits of advice from my meager experience in parenting and a little dash of this and another dash of that. If it’s something I love, ponder or deem worth a sentence or two, I’ll probably share it here!

And now, about me and my people …


Mother’s Day 2016 with my littles c/o LCS Photography

I’m an almost 30 year old wife of one, mama of three from the Pacific Northwest. I’ve lived here my whole life and sure hope I never leave. The green, the mountains, the ocean, the crisp air and yes, the rain, all make my heart sing. It was always my dream to become a homemaker and mother which means I’m absolutely honored to be serving and leading my family in this capacity. It is far from easy and I often think I’m going crazy but at the end of the day I know I’m in the right place. 

Before motherhood I worked in sales and marketing in the higher education sector; while growing my career I completed my Masters in Management and Organizational Leadership. Learning is in my blood and I’ve always been a collector of information (based on this great personality assessment tool); that’s one of the big reasons I started That Mama Gretchen. Back in 2010 I was newly pregnant with Jemma and needed a place to log all the information I was gathering. This was that place and it has just evolved from there!

These days our family of five is preparing to build a new home, embracing homeschool life, striving to be more resourceful with all the Lord has blessed us with, and planning for the day sleep is not such a distant memory.

I’m honored that you’ve stopped by my little place on the internet. I can’t wait to show you glimpses of my life, share things I’ve learned and offer up a virtual cup of coffee. Let’s be friends, ok? Find me on Instagram for the real scoop on our daily shenanigans! See you around!

That’s the general overview of me, here’s the real good stuff >>> all my confessions and favorites and glamorous secrets!

And my favorite posts from over the years too!

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