January started with a bug sweeping through all four kids. We surivived, but man, I’m beat. Sanity-wise from being so self-quarantined and phyically from all the broken sleep. Here’s to a healthier second half of January!
We did make it out once, for a rainy hike, when everyone was 75% well. A kind stranger offered to take a family photo for us and 5/6 of us looked and smiled! Always be the person who offers to take someone’s photo. It’s just the nicest thing to do!
During all my home days, I fit in a number of little projects that have been hanging out on my to do list. I tidied up Christmas (I can’t decide if I loathe or love holiday decor), set up my workout mat in the garage (which took some organizing to make space), finishing my “to be laminated” pile (we cut up Jem’s 2019 calendar and turned parts of it into bookmarks!), and watched The White Queen season (does STARZ have all the best shows? It sure seems like it!).

Of course, I gathered up a new installment of this + that to kick off the year! All the best from the beginning of 2020. Enjoy!
I’m super intrigued by this new health tracker app, I need to be better about logging things from our appointments and this just might be the ticket! Plus, I’m notorious for listening intently at appointments and then coming home and forgetting specifics :/ Perhaps best of all, if you join the tester program for Abridge you can earn a $20 Target gift card!
We checked this book out from the library so many times, I finally bought it!
On the note of books, I’ve wanted to get some book plates or a stamp for books I know we’ll always keep for awhile. I finally landed on this one, can’t wait for it to arrive.
Jalepeno poppers are my new favorite snack and this recipe makes a meal of them!
Favorite article of the year so far!
My reflections on the Bradley Method; the best thing we did to prepare for our first birth.
Jem and I just started a new collection of DVDs during our evening girl time! Who else adores these?!?
Books to movies are my fave, loved putting together this round up.
Buy these jeans ASAP. I recommend sizing down. For just $16 (until 1/26/20) you can’t pass them up!
There is a great Audible promotion going on right now for new and existing members — Listen to three books (they must be at least three hours each) before March 3rd and you’ll earn a $20 Amazon credit. I told Jemma and Max they each were responsible for one (Jemma chose Little House in the Big Woods and Max chose Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – both rereads, but classics worthy of re-listening for sure!) and I’m working my way through the 30+ hours of Outlander!
This post includes a few affiliate links as well as a sponsored link from Linqia and Nakturnal. Although I earn income from these, trust that I wouldn’t share if I couldn’t truly recommend them.
That audible promotion sounds like a good idea. Thanks for pointing that out!
The Rogers and Hammerstein collection has been a fav for years-enjoy!
Coming from a family with a four kids, I know how how difficult it can be to keep it together. This is some great advice!