This + That

Yes! That’s me on a bike!

Jemma LOVES riding her bike and usually she is stuck riding loops in our neighborhood while I run with the stroller and Max scooters between us. She’s never asked to go on a longer bike ride, but I knew she would just love the freedom of going and going and going.

So, I’ve been watching for a secondhand bike for myself so we could go out. And I found one! So we did! For almost 9 miles! She’s already planning our next ride and we’re crossing our fingers that these gorgeous fall days hold out before the rain rolls in so we can squeeze it in … maybe even with a coffee shop stop halfway through :)

Today though, we’re at home nursing boys with croupy coughs and tidying up loose ends on lots of chores and projects. First up, coffee and some this + that …

Totally going to work on writing up my own “I Don’t” list. What’s on yours?

Disney+ is COMING! Here’s the whole list … 617 movies/shows strong! WE CANNOT WAIT!

Jem and I love Little Poppy Co. bows. For just $5 + shipping you can get your first month of bows with code FIRSTBOWS. If you love them, keep your subscription going, and if you just want the deal, cancel once those first ones arrives :)

The Importance of the Honorary Aunt – preach!

With my upcoming trip to California (guess where?!?) I’m so excited to be partnering with Smart Buy Glasses for a new pair of sunnies. They have so many designer options for amazing deals! Leaning towards the Tom Ford Penelope … thoughts?

Love these lady astronauts!

Snickerdoodle bread, most likely happening today.

A women’s greatest enemy … do you agree?

My most brilliant kid’s chore to date.​​​​​​​

I’m not going to buy this … because $$$. But someday when I’m old and mega bored with gobs of time to kill, I just might build one.

The mini house and mermaid scales are my favorite. Another craft I have supplies for and just need to sit down and do!!!

A friend from our life group made this recipe last week and OMG I never knew brussels sprouts could be so delicious! And yes, apparently brussels with an ‘s’ is the correct way to say it … I never knew.

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