The Breastfeeding Mom’s Guide To Getting Away

This post was sponsored by Philips Avent as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Going back to work after Jemma was born kind of scarred me. I HATED leaving her. I felt like I was leaving my heart behind and I worried. Oh, I worried.

When Max and then Reid were born, I was a stay at home mama and I didn’t have to leave. So I didn’t. Never with Max and only on occasion with Reid. The first time I left Reid, I left to accompany my mom to the hospital for a surgery. He stayed with Dominic and took his first bottle snuggled in Daddy’s arms. The moment I got the text showing a photo of an empty bottle and happy emojis from Dominic, I rejoiced. Not only was my baby happy and fed, but also perhaps the next time I pumped and left a bottle, I could go out and do something fun! 

And I did! 

Teaching Reid and now Eli to accept a bottle every now and again has given me such freedom. Well, not the run away to Mexico kind of freedom, but a get away to the grocery store solo or a date night here and there kind of freedom.

When you’re home 24/7 with little ones, taking a breather is a must. Getting away offers a restart that gives perspective on the truly amazing days of being home with the people you love the very most. But, I get it, leaving home when you’re breastfeeding takes planning and preparation. Sometimes it’s so much that you might consider throwing in the towel. But, DON’T DO IT. You need a break. You need to get away. And, I’ve got a couple tips to help ease your escape :) So pick a date and get ready to scoot out the door!


Find a Teammate

People get pretty anxious about watching primarily breastfed babies. And I don’t blame them. Nurslings love their mamas and usually their mamas alone! When you’re planning a get away, find a family member or close friend who understands breastfeeding and has the patience to soothe a little one who may miss their #1 girl … YOU!

Choose the Right Bottle

Breastfed babies want to latch onto a boob. If they can’t, they want the next best thing. Eli wholeheartedly believes that’s the Philips Avent Natural bottle. It has a new breast-shaped nipple that is both wide and soft. This feature makes for an easy transition between breast and bottle. The Philips Avent Natural bottle also helps reduce colic and tummy bubbles. Yay!


Calm Down

Leaving your baby, if only for an hour or two, is stressful. At least for me. I’m totally the mom who wants a play by play via text WITH PHOTOS when I’m gone. #sorrynotsorry

I constantly have to remind myself that I’ve left my baby with someone safe who loves them. And, I’ve left milk. So literally, they’re 100% fine without me. They’ve got snuggles, they’ve got milk, and I’m coming home. All will be well. Deep breath.

Find a Schedule

Bottle feeding, just like breastfeeding, is a learned art. Practice often. Dare I say, plan a weekly getaway so you can be alone and baby can put the fab Philips Avent Natural bottle to use. Go grocery shopping, get a pedicure, go on a mini hike, take a yoga class, go sit at a frozen yogurt shop and eat it all by yourself with no interruptions. You. Can. Do. It.



Have a tip for surviving a little time apart from your breastfed baby? Spill it!

The tip, not the breastmilk. That, as you know, would be tragic :)

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  1. says

    You know, if you ever want to run away to Mexico…. ;)

    • Gretchen says

      That would be too fun!