3 Things I’ve Learned Between My First Baby and My Last



When Jemma was born seven years ago, I thought I knew quite a bit about becoming a mother.

I had read mountains of books, talked to quite a few mentor moms, and although my pregnancy and early days with her were pre-Pinterest (ohmygoodness, do you remember?) I had cataloged gobs of articles, both online and from magazines, about things I thought might be important as I entered motherhood. 


Becoming a mom is a big deal no matter how you look at it. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually – everything comes into play when you welcome a little one. It was like that for me the first time and it has been this final time too.  *cue all the tears*

Between four kids over the span of seven years, I’ve learned so much. But honestly, these days, I feel like I know less than ever before! Each of my kids is so unique. From their temperament to their learning style to their love language and more. I feel like I’m constantly studying them and figuring out how to be the best mom just for them. It’s overwhelming and awesome at the same time. Add on top of that all the new research and opportunities out there and it seems like every single day I’m discovering more possibilities to expand and enrich their world.

I could probably list 100 things I’ve learned between my first baby and my last, but today, I’ve got three that I want to share. 


I’ve Learned To Curate Options

One of the most beautiful things about motherhood is all the options. From how we feed our babies to how we dress them to how we treat teething to how we facilitate sleep, schooling, discipline … you name it, there is a theory and a reason and a decision to be made. The options are a paradigm we will always have to balance. It’s a hard part of motherhood, but it’s also an honor.

When it comes to options I aim to hear the noise, filter it, find guidance, and then choose what is best for my family. As long as I’m doing my due diligence to research, I don’t worry about making the right choice. And you shouldn’t either. Curate your options, assess them, and then, follow your heart.

I’ve Learned That Science Is Booming

There has never been a better time to have children, in my opinion. There are new studies, therapies, supplements, and procedures available every day it seems. I may look longing at the idyllic peace of the pioneer days, but I would never time travel back. There is too much goodness here and now! I love to keep up on the latest and greatest innovations and cord blood banking is one topic that has definitely piqued my interest.

Preserving a newborn’s stem cells, which are found in umbilical cord blood and cord tissue, may give that child or an immediate family member depending on the condition and other factors, the opportunity to use that resource for current cord blood therapies. In the future, there may be other potential applications, like regenerative medicine. It’s pretty amazing and much more accessible that I ever imagined.

Cord Blood Registry (CBR) offers payment plans, a gift registry option, and their Newborn Possibilities Program® which assists families with a qualifying medical need by covering all costs for preserving and storing their child’s newborn stem cells for five years. So, if you’re interested in learning more about CBR and the world of newborn stem cells, hop over here. It’s a goldmine of science and possibilities (and not the hit and miss gold digging of yesteryear!)! Take a moment to explore

Also, you can get a promo code for $200 off of the initial fees by filling out your information, so definitely don’t delay in seeing if cord blood banking is a good fit for your family.

I’ve Learned To Say “Tomorrow Is a New Day”

Mistakes and missteps are such a reality for me. At the end of each day I often find myself mulling over things I forgot (the kid’s vitamins, again, really?) and things I wish I would have made time for. A lot of good happens during our days but being Type A (or a 1 if you’re up on your Enneagram) often leaves me feeling frustrated. 

But, tomorrow is a new day. It’s a phrase I use frequently with the kids when they have a rough patch and it’s one I have learned to remind myself of too. It’s a fresh start, a new beginning. And, in dire circumstances a “new day” can happen at the turn of each hour. 




What have you learned throughout your mothering days? I’d love to hear what’s resonating with you!

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