Jemma Says — Mother’s Day Interview

Ah. Traditions. I love them. When I remember to do them. And this is one I hope to stick with.

This year (and hopefully all the coming years) I thought it would be fun to have a little Q&A to show off just how much Jemma knows about me … I mean, we’re pretty kindred spirits, so I’ll let you be the judge of how spot on she is :)

jem and mama selfieWhat is your mom’s name? Her name is Gretchen

How old is she? 55

What is her favorite color? Mint! And mine favorite two colors is purple and pink!!!

What does she like to do? Watch me and Max play at the park

What is her favorite food? Green eggs and ham

What books does your mommy like to read?  Comic books

What time does she go to bed? 15 o’clock

What is your favorite thing about her? I don’t know … just when I kiss and hug her

What do you want to tell your mom on Mother’s Day? Let’s go to the zoo when it’s sunny! I’ll check the weather!

As I’m sure you can guess, she nailed a few things and … well, just for the record, I don’t eat green eggs and ham or read comic books, lol. And I may feel like I’m 55, but last I looked, I’m far from! Silly girl!

Have you shared a Mother’s Day interview with your kids? I’d love to read – share the link in the comments!

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