Postpartum Reality — 4 weeks


How far into the 4th trimester:  4 weeks, 2 days … Eli’s one month birthday!

Weight loss: As predicted, I lost a lot in the first two weeks and now I’ve plateaued at my “nursing weight” – 165ish. I’m eating well and often to nourish my baby. That’s my job right now. Even if it means the “big jeans” I bought on a whim won’t button. 

Sleep: I think we’re finding a rhythm. Eli nurses and has a late nap when the big boys go to bed around 7:30pm. Then he joins Jemma and I in the bath. We read and he hangs/snoozes in the Rock ‘n Play. He usually wakes to nurse around 8:30pm, I tuck Jemma into bed, and then he and snuggle downstairs for awhile. By then he’s really asleep and throughout the night he dream feeds once or twice. If he can stick with this schedule, I can survive!

Breastfeeding: Tonight I’m guzzling water and taking vitamin C and echinacea supplements in a cup of orange juice. Yep, fighting off some plugged ducts/potential mastitis :( Tomorrow I’ll be heading out to buy some lecithin. Cross your fingers I get it under control; it hurts so bad!

Other postpartum things: I’ve been out and about much more in the days since my last update (even a giant Costco trip!). Pretty much, I have returned to our regular schedule. It’s wearing me out and I keep reminding myself that I had an 11 pound baby just a month ago and need to slow down. But that’s easier said that done. 

Best moment this week: Everything about Eli is perfect. He’s truly the sweetest, most go with the flow baby. Knock on wood. But the best thing lately? Reid has started acknowledging him! This morning he even climbed into bed and snuggled up against Eli (who was nursing) and patted his head while he sucked his thumb. Then he popped up and exclaimed, “Bae-bae!” Praying these little boys because the best buddies!

Worst moment this week: Dominic went hunting this weekend and honestly it’s just the pits when one week rolls into the next and we don’t have family time. 

Miss anything: At the moment, boobs that don’t ache, sag, and explode with a letdown very few hours. I love nursing my babies, but when issues come up I just want to cry. 

Cravings: I’m loving crackers/cheese/salami for my lunches and nothing is better than a bowl of fondue with apple slices and French bread for dipping. I’m planning to make enchiladas with a creamy jalapeño sauce this week too!

Looking forward to: My birthday massage is on Saturday. They called last week to adjust the time and for the inconvenience offered me a complimentary sauna visit too … um, yes and thank you!

What Jemma says: “I am just the best little mama!” #notlackingconfidence … but truthfully, she really is the most amazing helper EVER.

What Max says: He told me, “I think Eli is going to be one of my best friends when he gets bigger”. Oh. My. Goodness. 

What Reid says: I think he’s anxious for Eli to be able to play and interact more. He tossed a block at his head recently (Jemma made sure it didn’t actually hit him) and is always running over to him to show off toys.

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