Time and Sanity Savers From a Mom of 4

Today’s post is sponsored by Parent’s Choice. All opinions are my own. 

Having four little ones has taught me two things.

I mean, they’ve taught me many, many things, not just two, but only so much can fit into a blog post! First lesson … it’s essential to be smart about how I spend my time. Second, it’s really important to do whatever is necessary to keep my sanity intact. 

I’m no pro at this mama game. After all, it has only been seven years since I started. But, through many a mistake, I’ve learned a bit and figured you wouldn’t mind hearing some of my favorite time and sanity savers. Read on, mama friends! And be sure to chime in with your best tips too! 


Stop Grocery Shopping

I suspect I’ll never fully get away from grocery shopping, but for the most part, I don’t do this as regularly as I used to thanks to online ordering and Walmart’s grocery pick-up option. It’s pure craziness to take four critters children into the store when I don’t have to. Most of all, it’s just not effective! When the cart is full of kids, where are the groceries supposed to go?

Stay Up Late

Perhaps it’s because I’m a night owl at heart, but staying up late gives me the peace and sanity I need to write my to do lists, outline the following day, and accomplish tasks WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. My darling crew is quite skilled at interrupting and thus, I don’t think straight during the day time hours. At night, it’s just me, myself, and I, and that’s exactly what I need a dose of to properly function. 

Keep Snacks Everywhere

Kids are always hungry. Especially my boys. I prep and serve a meal only to start clean-up and have a little one asking for more. I keep yummy food pouches on hand for this exact reason. They’re an easy, no-mess snack for at home and on the go. Parent’s Choice has gazillions (maybe a tiny exaggeration) of flavors and combinations and Reid is in love! I’m in love too because Parent’s Choice food pouches come in organic at a killer price … just 82 cents a pouch! Quality and value makes this mama h-a-p-p-y!

Stock the Car

If you guessed that I keep food pouches in the car for a quick snack out and about, you guessed right, but, that’s not the only thing I stock in my swagger wagon. My claim to fame when it comes to saving time is keeping the little boy’s shoes in the car alongside everyone’s coats. Reid is always taking off his socks and shoes so rather than put them on in the house I simply carry him to the car sans shoes and when we reach our destination I put them on. On the coat front, due to car seat safety (no bulky coats under those buckles!) it doesn’t make any sense to put coats on only to take them off moments later. So, we keep coats in the car, buckle up, and put coats on backwards to stay warm.

Rally a Team

Motherhood is not to be done alone. Surround yourself with a team of people who not only support you, but love on your kids. Grandmas are great, aunts are awesome, and friends are fabulous! I could go on, but I won’t tire you with my endless alliteration skills :)

Let Go Of “I Should”s

When Jemma was a baby, I made her baby food. It’s what I thought I should do. I tried with Max, but I just couldn’t juggle one more task while taking care of them both. I felt guilty, but I finally decided that, for me, it was pure pride that said I had to spend time in the kitchen when delicious, healthy food pouches like Banana, Pear, Mango & Orange were so readily available. I mean, you cannot beat free shipping on must haves. It’s like I gain time while saving money. Wiiiiinnning!





Are you learning to juggle kids and chores, work and self-care like me? What do you do to save time and sustain your sanity? Feel free to browse Parent’s Choice’s 275 products available at Walmart and see which products will help makes things a little easier for you. 


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