How To Save On Your Summer Bucket List

I’ve got our summer bucket list on my mind! Is yours brewing yet?

I do realize we’re only a few weeks into spring and I should really focus on embracing this season. And not rush. Especially because once summer arrives … it’s baby season around here! But, since the sun has peeked out here and there, I can’t help but begin outlining summer. I’m just a planner. So sue me :)

Thus far we’ve got a week of summer camp on the calendar for the big kids and we’re hosting our Texas family for a bit as they’re moving home and have some time to kill before settling into their own place. And, since we moved to a new area in February, the list of places I want to explore is growing daily. I think I’m my most looking forward to our overnight getaways. This summer we’re planning a surprise Mama and Jemma getaway and then another weekend will bring a Daddy and Max getaway. Dominic and I decided that since Jemma and Max are officially the big kids in our family they deserved a fun initiation into their new roles as we add another little one to our crew. We expect so much of them and they daily rise to the occasion so they’ll definitely appreciate some one on one fun.

summer bucket list

All of our adventures will be local this year thanks to my growing baby bump, but the cost still adds up. 

Between driving, hotels, souvenirs, food … our summer bucket list is quickly turning into our summer budget list!

But I’m all over that. Budgeting and deals and coupons are my forte. After all, I’m almost a mom of FOUR and feeding, dressing, and generally keeping alive this crew is going to take some mad skills. For summer fun though, I’ve got my eye on Groupon. In fact, in some ways, I’m letting the deals I find there guide some of our fun. 


If you’re looking to save on your summer bucket list or are merely looking for inspiration for what to do in the coming months, take a peek at these FANTASTIC deals. Truly, why spend more when you’d have to?!?

  • If you’re hoping for overnight adventures, browse all the hotel deals here. There are things like free nights and 50% off deals through Can’t beat that!
  • Two summers ago we drove to Yellowstone, a 13 hour drive. Rather than put miles on our van, we drove a rental. Best. Decision. Ever. So, if road trippin’ happens to be on your bucket list, browse the Hertz Groupon deals and explore in a new to you car!
  • There is nothing worse than heading out and about and realizing you don’t have the right supplies — things like travel size toys to entertain the kids, snacks, weather appropriate accessories, and more! Before we travel, even for day trips, I do my best to think through multiple scenarios. And then I scour mama blogs for tips and tricks. Rather than spend way too much at tourist traps, I pre-buy everything from sunscreen to souvenirs on Amazon. Through Groupon you can nab Amazon promo codes, a free $5, and a laundry list of other savings. This pre-planning worked beautifully on our Disney trip last year. Think through what you may need and save your dollars from all the tragic mark ups that are targeted at the unprepared.
  • Towards the end of summer I always aim to wrap up the fun with printing photos and extra cute photo creations. My most favorite as of late is photo magnets from Shutterfly and, you guessed it, if you pop by Groupon first, you’ll score great Shutterfly deals. Percents off, free shipping promo codes, and my favorite — a combo of 50 free prints, a magnet, and address labels!

What all is on your summer bucket list?

What are your favorite money saving tips for adventuring with your family?

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