Tuna Veggie Cakes

When Dominic and I started dating he had one request of me … and I paraphrase, “Please learn how to make tuna melts like, um, the girl before you.”

Yes, in our early dating days he thought it would be a good pointer to guide my cooking to be more like his former girlfriend. At least in the tuna department. Brilliant, right? But, here’s the thing, I didn’t know how to make ANYTHING with tuna. I had it in my mind that I didn’t like it and so, had written off any recipe calling for tuna. Well, at that time in my life I really only ate chicken when it came to meat, so I’ve come a really long way.

That was the end of “making tuna melts like her”. I said, “no thanks”, he made tuna melts solo and we moved on … surprisingly, together :) I figured I’d find my own desirable recipe and we could leave tuna and its melts in the past.

Fast forward 8 years (yes, 8!) and I’ve given tuna another chance. But not just any tuna – Bumble Bee chunk albacore. The real deal. We kicked off this year, like most, with goals to eat healthier. I even attempted Whole30 … which flopped and if I wasn’t so embarrassed about that I might write about my experience. Regardless, I’m still pursuing a more vegetables, less donuts style of meal planning and from that, Tuna Veggie Cakes were born.

tuna veggie cakes with bumble bee



  • 1 zucchini, grated
  • 2 carrots, minced
  • 1/2 yellow pepper, minced
  • Salt + pepper
  • 2 cans Bumble Bee chunk white Albacore tuna
  • 1/4 cup corn meal
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • Olive oil for frying


First, prep your veggies. That’s the most annoying part of this recipe, I promise. I use this for mincing. It’s the best.

Once chopped, squeeze with your hands and them press with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Place them in a mixing bowl and add the rest of your ingredients. Blend well.

Brush a large frying pan or skillet with olive oil and heat. With clean hands create circle patties with your tuna mixture. Place on the hot skillet and allow to cook on each side for 3 minutes. When you flip, press it flat with a spatula.

Serve immediately. 

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We had these for dinner last night and I made a large batch so I can easily warm leftovers and run when I need a meal on the go. Tuna veggie cakes suffice for a savory breakfast, a boost of protein after a run or a late night snack when I’d normally want to reach for said donut. Drizzle them with sour cream, and I’m pretty much in heaven. Dom prefers ketchup. I think a garlic aoli might be nice too, but I haven’t mastered that yet.

Bottom line, this recipe made me fall in love with tuna. And now that I have a fabulous tuna recipe up my sleeve, Dominic can fall fully in love with me too :)

What’s your favorite Bumble Bee tuna recipe? I’d love to experiment with these little cans of deliciousness again soon!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. says

    Haha! The whole post had me laughing! I love me some tuna and I like the whole prep-in-advance part. :) Yum!

  2. Jennifer Hall says

    Looks yummy! Never had a tuna cake. Check out Trim Healthy Mama for healthy eating option. I love it and am NOT deprived. It’s all about the food combining.

  3. says

    Yum! These look tasty. I’ve been on a tuna kick lately so these would be perfect :)