The Target Wander

With four kids, online shopping has become my destiny. To the point that Dominic has given me “the talk” in regard to breaking down my own boxes when I empty them. But that isn’t going to stop me. My sanity is definitely worth a few minutes in the garage flattening boxes for recycling.

But not all things can be bought online and this mama totally gets cabin fever if I stay home for too many days in a row. So, adventure out we do. Usually to Target or Costco, sometimes to the regular grocery store or Hobby Lobby if I’m feeling especially crafty.

I rarely go with all the kids though. In fact, since Eli was born, I haven’t ventured out solo with all four. Call me scared or call me smart … I’ll own either. For now, I’ve reserved my trips to the store for just me and Eli or a quasi one-on-one date with Eli and a big sibling. Much more efficient and enjoyable for all. Someday you’ll see me out with everyone. Maybe.

My first major outing since Eli was born was to Target, of course! I had a list of a few items and generally  just wanted to wander. And wander we did …


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We took it slow. 

We browsed.

We stopped to nurse.

He napped.

I found amazing pillows that I didn’t know I needed. And added a quite a few things to my imaginary Target wish list …

target wandering

Just need a plant for that stand — So sad this doesn’t go up to Jem’s size, someone, grab it for their little girl! — These push pins are just too much! — Lumberjack sheets, um, yes! — Gold circle mirror is on this mama’s wish list — Same with a tripod lamp, gold or black though? — Geode slice art work, love! — This Wonder accompaniment looks awesome — And, a little something I grabbed for Reid

target wander

Eli was such a happy companion on our date! He loved hanging out, literally, in his baby hammock from Binxy Baby as we strolled the aisles. So much to look at, so many bright lights … and a good view of his mama to boot! Binxy Baby is truly genius! It attached so easily to the cart and Eli was cradled deep and safely buckled in the pretty Indigo Dream fabric.

Binxy Baby was designed by a fellow mama of four, Lisa Pinnell, based on her own shopping experience with kids in tow. Her safety research was stringent and her design impeccable, it’s no wonder moms and babies both love Binxy! The Binxy Baby hammock fits most shopping carts, namely, and the red one that matters most :) and is perfect for little ones who aren’t yet able to sit up on their own.

Where will you take you Binxy Baby hammock? We’ll be headed back to Target soon, I’m sure! Gotta fit in my monthly Target wander!

Indigo Dream Hammock c/o Binxy Baby, find more fun shopping adventures on Binxy Baby’s Instagram!


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