5 Tips For Simple Consigning at JBF

My very first Just Between Friends Sale was in 2010 when I was pregnant with Jemma. SEVEN. YEARS. AGO.

I attended as a shopper, brought Dominic along, and left with almost everything we needed for a new baby at a massive discount. I was hooked. And Dominic was supportive of my new obsession — kid’s consignment events. The savings was almost too good to be true!

Since, I’ve continued to shop, have volunteered, and now, fund much of my JBF shopping with the money I earn from consigning items our family no longer needs at my local event. I love shopping and volunteering, but most of all, I love consigning. There’s nothing better than gathering things to sell from around the house, setting up my own little “store” at home, tagging items, dropping off at the sale, and watching my income report as the sale progresses. Ya’ll, if you’re not consigning, you need to be!

Through the grapevine I’ve heard many a mama say that consigning is scary or just too daunting of a project to tackle with little one around. I get it. The first round of anything new can be off putting. But, you’re a mom! You’ve done new things before — labor and birth, breastfeeding, juggling a career and kids, cooking dinner with a little person on your hip — trust me, you can become a consignor at JBF too :)

To help you get started here are 5 tips for simple consigning at your local Just Between Friends Sale …

5 Tips For Simple Consigning at JBF

Gather All Year Long

I keep a basket in the spare closet where I constantly gather items I can sell at JBF. Kids clothes that are outgrown and freshly laundered, toys that my kids no longer need, baby essentials that aren’t necessary anymore, maternity clothing, learning activities, books, movies, and sometimes I’ll even throw in a piece of paper notating a larger item I have stored in the garage to remind myself to create a tag for it when my self-imposed tagging night kicks off. And hangars!!! All year long, I hoard hangars.

Have the Right Supplies

This might be the most important step when it comes to consigning. Nothing is more frustrating than sitting down to create your price tags and not having the right supplies. Here is what I recommend:

  • A computer and printer — JBF has an easy to use portal where you input information for each of your price tags.
  • White card stock paper — And yes, it needs to be card stock so it’s extra durable.
  • Scissors or a paper cutter — I really love my paper cutter and use it for so much around the house!
  • A tagging gun and barbs — Essential! 
  • Zip ties — For securing shoes together.
  • Blue painter’s tape — This won’t ruin books covers when you go to tape on your price tag.
  • Ziplock bags in a variety of sizes — I *think* I’ve narrowed down Cash ‘n Carry as being the cheapest place to stock up on these. Throughout the year I’ll also save zippered plastic bags that new sheets and such come in. Those are great for bundling up things like games, puzzles, kid’s bedding, etc.
  • Hangars — Tons and tons. Whenever you buy new clothes, ask to keep the hangars. See some at Target in their little go back bin? Ask if you can have a few. Especially pant hangars, those are a hot commodity when it comes to organizing clothing. Old Navy will often give out giant bags of hangars if you call ahead.

Price Competitively

At JBF you choose the price of your items, if they go half-price on 50% off day, and whether or not they’re donated at the end of the sale. The goal is for the majority of your items to sell at full price, so, price competitively, I’ve learned over the years that 60-80% off retail is ideal. Don’t ask $5 when you’d be happy to get $3.50, because $3.50 is more than $2.50 … make sense?

Find a Buddy

You don’t have to JBF alone! Do it with a friend and you’ll have so much more fun. You can even split the “burden” of drop off and pick up by alternating who does what during each sale.

Make Friends With Your Event Owner

In my case, that’s Courtney Evans … she runs the most organized sale I’ve ever been a part of so join her if you can! If you aren’t a Washington mama you can find your closest event based on your location here. Knowing your event owner will not only give you tips on how to successfully consign, it will help you better work together. Event owners are working for you just as much as you’re working for them! They commit countless hours to advertising, coordinating volunteers, bringing in shoppers, encouraging consignors, and more. 

Bottom line, you can do it! I promise! Sign up to consign at JBF here!

If you’d like some hands-on guidance and you’re north of Seattle, join Courtney, the owner of JBF Marysville/Mount Vernon at her Consigning 101 Event THIS WEEK. She’ll give you tons of extra insight in how to become a successful JBF consignor. Then, you can fund your kid’s fall and winter necessities like me!

And, if you’re excited to shop the upcoming event in late September, be sure to enter The Pierogie Mama’s giveaway for Prime Time Shopping Passes!

Today’s post is sponsored by Just Between Friends Marysville/Mount Vernon, but like I said, I’ve been JBF strong since 2010. The love runs deep, sponsored or not!

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