This + That

disneyland mug

Are you officially a Disneyland addict if you think about Disneyland every day? What if you only want to drink out of your Disney mug because it’s the only one that makes you smile? How about if you find yourself humming Snow White and Cinderella tunes as you clean the house? Pretty much, I think I’m there … addict status.

It’s only a matter of time before I convince Dominic that I have to go back. Jem and I talk about our trip all. the. time. She can’t wait to be tour guide to the rest of our family and I can’t wait to see Max’s face light up. Oh, and eat another monte cristo from Blue Bayou, because lordy, lordy, that sandwich is so very delicious!

Enough about Disneyland though. I think most everyone can agree it’s fabulous and we all want to go there. But, alas … for you and I, my friends, it’s just a regular ol’ non-Disneyland Thursday. So, while we all dream, take a peek at some of my favorite links from the last while. They aren’t Disneyland awesome, but they’re pretty great :)

Oh, the dilemma of free time.

New favorite blog, Love Lola.

Going dairy free for your little one like this mama?

The Nightwatch <3 <3 <3

Slowly but surely readying everything over at Socanary’s Diary.

Get $30 off from Sun Basket … and a few nights of easy cooking!

For my next Cali trip, I’m going to need this suit.

Guess who got a Didy wrap straight from Germany! Me!

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