Perfect Pins

perfect pins 1One /// Two /// Three /// Four /// Five /// Six

Perfect, orderly pins that I love and a splattering of random from life …

Max ripped apart the train set. Again. I’m really tired of reassembling it. I think I’ll be gluing it together very soon.

Jemma has learned to hide anything of value out of Max’s reach. Poor girl has a large collection of princesses, books and ponies on top of her dresser.

After Max threw up from crying at bedtime (we’re slowly transitioning from me being the only one who can put him to sleep to me and Dominic and Max ain’t havin’ it), I ate a bag of popcorn with a side of chocolate chips and sipped on a little mason jar of Sarraco while watching that Walter Mitty movie. Didn’t like it. Now I’m watching a Titanic documentary. Such an illustrious life I lead!

I scrawled a vague to do list tomorrow including …

  • Move craft boxes to the garage – Accepting that now is not my season to sit and craft so I’m sorting, organizing and only storing things I truly love and plan to work on down the road
  • Start the crockpot – Apple bourbon pulled chicken to be served with a fuji apple salad (did you know Panera is bottling and selling their dressings now?!?)
  • Walk to the farm stand for fruit and veggies – Lemons (sponsored), spinach and celery are the list, Jem is sure to talk me into berries too :)
  • Post crap on Craigslist and hope for quick sales – current life hashtag #simplify
  • Hang photos in Jemma’s room – I found gold glitter frames on sale at Michaels for $4

Plusalso, laundry, dishes, vacuuming and floor scrubbin’ :) Maybe even toilets if I feel very ambitious.

Oh, and those chocolate chip cookies up there? Truly the best EVER!

Happy Wednesday! Don’t forget to grab the free print from French Press Mornings today – I love her work and am so thankful she offers a freebie every Wednesday!

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