28 Weeks

 paisley raye maternity

Petunia dress c/o Paisley Raye, shop more Paisley Raye pretties here!

Helloooooo third trimester! I can’t believe you’re back … again. I’m totally tired, feel GINORMOUS, and am oh so thankful that it rained again today. One more day I haven’t had to survive the sweltering summer heat — hallelujah!

I keep thinking that this little one was not timed well seeing that I’m due the first week of school and my two biggest postpartum helpers (outside of Dominic, of course) are school teachers. But, since I can’t change that, I’m choosing to believe that the timing is perfect because I’ve got help popping in and out all throughout the summer. So, as I get bigger and move slower, I won’t be flying solo too often. And, let’s face it … third trimester help is practically as valuable as fourth trimester help :)

How far along: 28 weeks 4 days

Gender: Boy #3, I still can’t believe I’m going to have 3 little boys! I mean, I can, but I’m excitedly overwhelmed and it’s crazy to imagine what life will be like a year/3/5/10/20!!! Boys boys everywhere!

Weight gain: Well, my whole “Why am I not gaining weight this pregnancy?” concern is out the door, out the planet! No doubt I’ll hit my regular +40 with this pregnancy too seeing that I’m up a good 20-25 pounds to date.

Sleep: Awful. It’s awful again. And when I finally do fall asleep. Max or Reid wake up waaaaaaay too early. It’s like my best sleep happens as they’re stirring for the day. I do notice a difference with my MagCalm supplement so if I crash into bed without taking it I force myself to roll out and mix it up. Bottoms up!

Best moment this week: Ordering fabric (from here) for my mom to make matching Fall rompers for Reid and baby! I’m on a HUGE romper kick and am so in love with Reid’s Rad Revolution one and this one too! Basically, the ease of one piece outfits – for me (see Petunia dress above!) or my kids – are the ultimate.

Worst moment this week: Allergies. My midwife just OK’d a daily dose of Claritin and I’m finally not on the verge of sneezing myself into labor. I’ve got my oils running and nettle tea brewing too so hopefully it will all be under control soon. Have other allergy relief ideas?

Miss anything: Alcohol. It’s not like I even drink a lot but we’ve been frequenting this brewery that has all sorts of hard ciders and last week it was pomegranate pear and I just want one soooooo bad. I did order a virgin mango margarita over Father’s Day weekend and if I slurped fast enough I could almost trick myself into thinking that the super cold slush was a *real* cocktail. 

Movement: Oh yes! Especially when I’m trying to fall asleep. 

Cravings: I was craving Tres Leches, so I tried my hand at it … absolutely delicious!!! More to come on that square of delight.

Looking forward to: Max’s birthday. I know that has nothing to do with my pregnancy, but he’s so excited to turn 5 and talks non-stop about his “wish wist” and what dessert he would like. On the top of his  gift hopes is a purple marker, lol! Apparently his is lost and he and Jemma have separate art supplies (to preserve my sanity) and life without a purple marker is just unbearable!

What Jemma thinks: “When we have 3 boys, you and me are going to have to take breaks and go to Target just us girls, don’t you think?” Yes, I do think!

What Max thinks: Max is obsessed with The Bump app and knowing what size our baby is. The last two weeks have been kale and lettuce, so he keeps telling everyone his baby is “like salad” :)

What Reid thinks: Reid is annoyed with my lack of lap space. At nap when we’re snuggling in the glider he keeps trying to lay on top of my belly and gets so frustrated before flipping to one side and settling in.

paisley raye maternity 3

paisley raye maternity 2

Ready for a flashback? Here’s a peek at the third trimester with Jemma, Max, and Reid!

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