Third Trimester Reality Check

Heaven’s to Betsy … we are in the third trimester!
Yes, this is how the words “third trimester” make me feel.

Here’s a little summary of what we’ve been up to:

  • How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
  • How big is baby? 2 1/2 pounds (ish)
  • Weight gain? Depending on the day, what I have recently eaten, etc. etc. etc. We’re up 11 pounds from pre-pregnancy
  • Maternity clothes? For the most part, some pre-baby sweaters and dresses still work. 100% maternity pants.
  • Stretchmarks? None so far and crossing my fingers it stays that way
  • Sleep? Decent … only up twice each night for a bathroom break
  • Movement? TONS … whenever I eat something cold or lay down to rest
  • Food cravings? I was dying for Mexican the other … still loving fruit and sweets
  • Bellybutton? Been out for quite some time
  • Labor signs? None … haven’t even had Braxton-Hicks
  • What I miss? Mango margaritas on the restaurant patio
  • Weekly wisdom? The advice from current moms is priceless … so excited to read 12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks Old that Carol recommended
  • Milestones? Dominic feels our little one kick almost everyday … the little squirt definitely recognizes his voice!
Seeing that I’m a super to-do list kind of gal I decided to check out what The Bump recommends for this trimester. I’ve got some stuff taken care of, but there is much work left to be done!
  • Consider getting maternity photos taken – in the works
  • Prepare a birth plan – almost complete
  • Look into routine infant screenings – great question for my appt. next Monday
  • Start interviewing pediatricians – OMG, this deserves a post of its’ own
  • Start babyproofing home – Dominic is all over this one
  • Cook freezer meals – send your favorites to em at thatmamagretchen{at}gmail{dot}com
  • Assess items still needed for baby
  • Know the signs of preterm and regular labor
  • Install carseat
  • Pick out birth announcements
  • Pack birthing center bag
  • Wash baby’s clothes

On top of these, I’ve rounded up a few extras:
  • Paint bookshelf for activity room
  • Set-up crib bedding
  • Create nursery artwork
  • Buy family car
  • Keep up on Bradley exercises and nutritition
  • Distribute birth plan
  • Shower Thank you’s
  • Read books on vaccine plans and breastfeeding

It’s going to be a busy few months between now and October!

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  1. says

    Ahh that picture is hilarious! Thanks for the shout out – you'll have to let me know (in due time) what you think of the book as you begin to implement it. So much to do before the 3rd trimester exhaustion settles in.

  2. says

    I picked up a cookbook called "Frozen Assets"….once a month cooking. We will pick a day for Hannah and I to come down and fill your freezer! I bet we could multi-task painting the bookshelf and washing baby clothes too:)

  3. says

    I could eat Mexican everyday (and sometimes…I have…5 times in one work week!)

  4. says

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower!


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