This + That


I turned 30 last October and as my gift Dominic promised me a fancy day in Seattle. Together we chose to go see King and I since it was coming up at the Paramount and it did not disappoint! Well, for me at least, Dominic wasn’t really familiar with the storyline (which is partially true!) and confessed after that it’s not his favorite Rodgers & Hammerstein. Gracious! I think King and I is near the top for me with Sound of MusicSouth Pacific, and Carousel. I mean, the costumes alone … swoon!

Before our matinee we pursued Pike Place Market and visited Homegrown for lunch. After we snacked on crepes from La Creperie Voila before heading home to our babies. Reid did a wonderful job missing his midday nursing according to my mom, although she did say he ate ALL DAY LONG to make up for it! 

This is the highlight of life from the last few weeks. I’ve been so nauseous and in survival mode while we pack to move next week. It’s been such an up and down adventure. At this point, we still don’t know if we have a house to move to …

So, rather than stress, I gathered up fun links for you all before I crash into bed!

100 years of beauty video from all around the world, love!

If you’ve ever wanted to become a writer, THIS is the class you want to take!

This woman speaks my labor language.

Mid-year homeschool review … brilliant.

Free audiobooks I plan to incorporate into our homeschooling (but great for everyone, obviously!)

I still have high hopes for a bright piano someday.

I really want gorgeous, soft, amazing white sheets … any recommendations?

Pregnancy craving.

Seeing Jesus, Wedding Feast — listenYou can search Evergreen Christian Community Jim Ladd on the Podcast app too!

I read all 3 of The Lone City Trilogy in just a week! And next year there will be a new series from the author. Yay!

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