This Week


Fall, in the form of buckets of rain, has forced me to slow down. It has been wonderful.

For the last two weeks our Monday-Wednesday has been empty. Other than school pick up for our high school girls, the littles and I have been home. We’ve accomplished a few projects, mostly organizing things, but for the most part have laid low – played, watched movies, cooked, napped. A mini hibernation if you will.

I have done some great sorting and prep for the upcoming consignment sale and I’ve got a running list of Craigslist and eBay items to send on their way. Do you resell stuff or are you a Goodwill dropper? For me, I’ve found it takes a good amount of time to resell, but when the checks come a rollin’ in I always determine it is worth it. 

Wednesday was my late grandma’s birthday which is always just sad because we were October birthday girls. Just another kindred connection between us. Instead of mope about I did what she would have done to brighten the day — brunch, sweets, presents, flowers and surprises. 

Jemma chose purple flowers from Trader Joe’s to place at the cemetery and informed me that “this place would be really fun for me and Max to run around when it’s sunny”. She also seems quite fascinated with the fact that her grandma lives in Portland, but mine lives in Heaven with Jesus God. Yep, Jesus God … because apparently we’ve got 2 of the 3 elements of the Trinity locked in tight!

I let her eat cookies for breakfast, because, why not? And both Jemma and Max accompanied me to the nail salon for my second ever shellac. I could have been a disaster, but wasn’t! Like, it went so smooth, I may try again some time! I opted for a cloudy gray because it, paired with turquoise via Archer + Hare and cozy mustard seem to be the perfect dose of fall. Use code THATMAMALOVE for 20% agates slices, quartz and all sorts of rustic beauties at Archer + Hare!

Today I’m going to a home birth support gathering quasi baby shower for a mama expecting her third. I’m such a birth junkie’ Really any kind of birth since I’ve experienced birth center, hospital and home between Jemma and Max’s arrivals. Which leads me to this 31 Day Series on Postpartum Health & Healing – AMAZING! And, the news that three ladies in my circle have recently found out they’re expecting twins, all naturally! WHAT?!? 

Family photos are in the final phase of editing. Which leads me to the dreaded and much anticipated holiday card selection and letter writing. I LOVE receiving them, and LOVE when I have it done. It’s just the process of culling addresses and highlighting the year that leads me to want to say “here is my blog address, that pretty much covers what we’ve been up to” :)

Oh, and this week I won a pair of Freshly Picked moccs. I polled ya’ll on Facebook about what color to choose and tuck away for someday baby #3. This is what I decided on.

Last, but not least, because I’m just about ready to soak in the tub with my book I might as well mention that I’m reading this, because isn’t everyone? And highly recommend this before it comes to theaters in February.

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