This Month at


I hustled my bustle before we left for Disneyland and got a ton of work done so I could fully embrace the magic without interruption. Go me! Doing that has made December slow and easy and really lovely. For me, freelance is one of those “when it rains it pours” type of things and honestly, I’ve been happy with the tiny drought this holiday season. I’ve been able to read a lot (this most recently), which always sparks my creativity, and go to bed early, which is a gift in and of itself and perhaps best o all, fully immerse myself in Reign on Netflix. So obsessed.

Here’s a recap of a few pieces that have been published recently …

How To Help the Mom Suffering From Postpartum Depression

 I was honored to hold the stories from moms who have suffered. They opened up old wounds in hopes of offering advice to anyone and everyone willing to give a mom in need a helping hand. Please, please read this.

The Secret to Finding an Awesome Babysitter

I have the best sitters right now and just had to spill! Hoping my theory applies when we’re moved and settled up north. 

What Non-Vaccinating Moms Want You to Know But Are Too Scared To Say

Being a part of the natural mothering community has given me a bird’s eye view into families who choose alternative methods in healthcare. I love what these moms had to say and highly recommend reading their thoughts.

My Husband Fired Me From Being a SAHM

Ah! I love my hubby! 

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