Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Where has the year gone, sweet boy? We cannot believe you are one!

To think, that just a year ago we were snuggling up for the first time. I completed your birth video just in time for us all to reminisce. It brought tears to our eyes and so many smiles. What a perfect day it was, welcoming you into our family.

And now you’re a whole year old! A vibrant, sweet, little soul who lights up our lives every day. Your siblings adore you, Daddy loves you like crazy, and I honestly can’t imagine life without you. Charlie Koehler, you are the puzzle piece that completed us.

Jemma “interviewed” you and we compiled a list of your favorite things to remember:

  • Penguins – which was the theme of your party
  • Bucket the plush Raccoon – named for Charlie Bucket
  • Food – especially green beans, sweet potatoes, pickles, and eggs
  • Turning book pages
  • Snuggling, but with no blankets on top
  • Clapping and waving
  • Stacking blocks
  • Swings
  • Sucking his thumb
  • Road trips

Which brings us to our other fun list! All the places you have been in your first year. Such a well-traveled baby! In your first year you traveled throughout Washington – Bellingham to Olympia and everywhere in between. You saw the ocean and the mountains, went up to the top of the Space Needle and went berry picking. Then you trekked south through Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, and finally to Texas, our new home.

After just a few weeks settling in we went to New Mexico to explore Carlsbad Caverns and other New Mexico sites. In October you tagged along on Jemma’s birthday trip to the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque. Then it was off to Branson, Missouri with a stop in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Again, you went west on a three day drive to Disneyland stopping in Albuquerque, Phoenix, and then Anaheim. And back again! January was a girl’s trip (plus you!) to Waco and a family trip to San Antonio. Last week you capped on your first year of travel with a visit to Dallas. Whew!

You weighs 25 pounds, wears 18-24 month clothes, and is tall … we’ll find out exactly how tall at your wellness appointment next week. You wave, laugh, play peekaboo, and crawl very fast. Just last week you started occasionally letting go when you stand. Looks like walking is still a few months away. You babble a little, blow bubbles, and scream very loud when you want a refill at meals, but we haven’t heard any true words yet – hopefully soon! I’m sure you have a lot to say and I bet it just feels overwhelming to find how your voice fits into all the noise. Keep observing and learning, bubs, I know we will hear from you in good time.

And yes, his blue eyes at birth have changed over the months to be the exact green hazel brown color as his Fern Rags. I melt.

Charlie, as you grow from baby to toddler – my “taby”, I’m so excited to have a front row seat to your upcoming adventures. This year will be full and fun and I know you will continue to bring joy, laughs, and comfort to our family. You exude a calm our boisterous bunch so desperately needs and it is such a blessing to witness how you complement our family. God gave us the perfect gift in you! We are so grateful!

Happy birthday, my wonderful boy! Mama loves you forever and always.

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