Ya’ll know I love a good book, but you know what I love even more — a good series!
One of the worst parts about being a reader is falling love with a series and then having to wait for a new release. It’s one of those love/hate scenarios. Like, how I love going to Disneyland, but hate the feeling of not knowing when I’ll get to go back. You could call it mounting anticipation with a dash of dread coated with extreme excitement that I have to temper. In the land o’ books, it has been a year since I finished Monica McGurk’s Dark Rising and ever since I’ve been waiting with baited breathe for the third book in the Archangel Prophesies. That’s what a well written cliffhanger will do to ya!
Thank heaven (that will make you laugh once you get into this series!) that book three is officially live! Dark Before Dawn is in print and ready for your enjoyment! This means you can devour Dark Hope (book 1) and Dark Rising (book 2) without thinking “what happens next” ten million times. Because let me tell you, Dark Rising will leave you wondering.
Dark Before Dawn begins with an intriguing prologue and then speeds ahead 12 years. Hope is now 28 and reunited with the archangel, Michael, who’s love for her is complex and deep. Hope and Michael are presented with a choice from Heaven – a life changing choice. The kind that impacts forever. As most Heaven presented choices do :) The story unfolds as Hope and Michael deliberate and Hope’s younger sister, Aurora, battles through trials of her own.
The spiritual relationships and dialogue add a huge dimension to each book in the Archangel Prophesies. I’ve read a few books that dabble with angels and demons and I have to say that the author didn’t broach this writing task lightly. Even though the books in the Archangel Prophesies are fictional, you can tell that she did copious amounts of research to accurately explore and bring to life these spiritual elements and characters.
Author Monica McGurk weaves a page turning tale in the Archangel Prophesies finale, Dark Before Dawn. With Hope’s story wrapped up, I can’t wait to see what Monica comes out with next. No doubt she’s already dreaming up another fantastic read!
Buy the Archangel Prophesies books on Amazon and add them to your Goodreads “Want To Read” list too!
You can take a peek at what else I’m reading these days by following #thatmamareads and see all the details of my 2016 reading goals here.
This is a sponsored post, but you all know I don’t stick with books I don’t love, so, yeah, this was a winner!
Sounds like a really great series, I might have to check it out