The Girlfriend’s Gift Guide — Gifts For the Sister You Choose

Tracking PixelYesterday I confessed my love for Black Friday sales. And I do – I really, really love them. Even more, I love sales that aren’t tied to one, crazy day. And friends, I’ve found one of those. With the help of The Microsoft Store I’m thrilled to be sharing something fabulous that is available NOW – no waiting for Black Friday! I’ll fill you in shortly, but first, let’s talk about who deserves the gifts we reap from these great, holiday sales.

Family is at the top of my gifting list, of course. But next, are my best friends. These are the gals who hold me up in prayer, support me daily, and march through the trenches of motherhood by my side. No gift could ever thank them enough for being my chosen sisters, but every year, I try :) Girlfriends guide opener

Truly, if I could give them the moon or the hottest mama swagger wagon on the market, I would, but I think some of these ideas would do quite nicely … and be much appreciated. Don’t you agree? girlfriends gift guide collage

Girlfriend’s Gift Guide by thatmamagretchen featuring HP Stream 7 Signature Edition Tablet


Before you start clicking like crazy to place your orders and bless the socks off your BFF, give me a hot minute to highlight the HP Stream 7 Signature Edition Tablet from Microsoft Store which is available NOW, both online and in stores! For this $99 deal there is no waiting for Black Friday, no lines, and no hidden print – you can snag one now! Do it quick though, this is one of those “while supplies last” bargains. The HP Stream 7 Tablet comes with Office 365 too which is valued at $69.99 – but that bonus is just for the holiday season.

I can almost guarantee any best friend, teen, husband, grandparent or, well, me, would surely be happy to see a tablet sized present under the tree. Even better, the 5 star reviews are rolling in from happy customers who have gone before you!

microsoft tablet

What gifts are you considering for your best friend this Christmas? Spill those ideas!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Microsoft.

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  1. says

    AH, this would be an awesome best friend gift huh!! I’m hoping to make mason jar snow globes for my friends this year…so excited just to make them!