Oh my little love! It’s your first day of kindergarten!
And it happened in a blink of an eye. How? How? I mean, I’ve been here all along, but it’s still a wonder that you’re almost 6 and in your first year of school.
We had planned to start our homeschool routine after co-op next week, but you’ve been anticipating things so much that we decided to kick things off a little earlier. “Mom, can I start my workbooks nooooooow?” And so, I obliged :)
This year is going to be such an adventure and I can’t wait to experience everything with you. You make learning fun for us all. You’re diligent and creative. Kind and so very smart. I’m proud of you and so excited for this year! You’re going to rock kindergarten and I can’t wait to watch you learn, explore, grow, and become the young woman God wants you to be.
All my love, sweet girl! Let’s do this! xoxo
Aw! Kindergarteners are the best! Enjoy!
So exciting! 😁 Have so much fun watching her grow and learn each day!
Such a sweet pic of your sweet girl! I love that sign, too! Have a great school year
Exciting. time do fly really fast. i do not know how will I feel once my kiddo reaches Kindergarten. I will probably be a hot mess.