Yesterday Dominic and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary. NINE YEARS. That’s almost a decade, in case you have yet to learn proper counting :) I’m pretty much amazed because ya’ll, marriage is not easy. Weddings are such a ruse … it’s everything that comes after that fancy day that really matters.
For our anniversary Dom worked and I did my SAHM thing. We convened after the kid’s bedtime for takeout on the couch and an episode of Real Sports. Married life is sooooooooo glamorous. Wonderful and funny and hard too. We both feel so blessed to be together and feel like this coming year has the potential to be our most awesome and our most challenging. Now accepting prayers!
While I half watched our show, I rounded up a great list of this + that for you. Enjoy!
I could do this. I love dresses!
Most anticipating The Crown from this list. How about you?
Praying for this family and their adoption.
Don’t forget the PayPal $ giveaway!
Overwhelmed with amazing homeschool resources, but in a good way.
Birth packing list with lots of creative extras to consider.
This >>> “Don’t worry! Your world will freeze, but then it will thaw again! Over and over and over! Promise!”
My one unrealistic dream? A hair stylist. Everyday. But, until she appears, I guess I can try this myself.
Extended nursing. So normal.
Fairy gardens! I see a homeschool project like this comin’ up! Swoon!
Best Disneyland resource. And prettiest too! Plus, the cutest printables!
Would love to frame this for our future homeschool room.
I thought I didn’t really need anything for my birthday, but am feeling camera tempted.
Speaking of birthdays … decisions, decisions >>> one, two, or three?
ANNE on Netflix in 2017!!!
agree, marriage takes work, 15 yrs for me this past feb.
Congrats! That’s a big milestone!
Cute blog post. In regards to your birthday tank top, I think you should go with choice number 2. That is actually my Etsy boutique :) and I am honored that I am in the running for your birthday top. Use code “feature” to get 15% off if you choose Romantic Southern. XOXO-Kari
How fun! I’m definitely leaning towards that one … then I can wear it every year!
Happy anniversary!!
In February I’ll be married for 9 years and it is a blessing to have someone to experience life with. Congratulations!!!