These Are a Few of My Favorite Posts

One of my favorite things to read on other blogs is a highlight of popular posts. For awhile I’ve highlighted mine in the {retired} lil’ “Best Of” tab that used to be up top.

So, I thought I’d post them today. Some of these posts were barely read and others were most popular (when it comes to page views). Either way, I hand selected each of these to share with you as a peek into That Mama Gretchen. A few might make you think or cry, others will make you laugh and roll your eyes. But, whatever the feeling, know that I’m just another mama doing my best at life … even if most of it happens while I’m in yoga pants. Comfort equates to productivity, right?

Now, call the babysitter, head to Starbucks, order a Pumpkin Spice latte (and a scone, because when you’re on a date with yourself, you always should get a scone!) and read on!

When you’re done here I’d recommend digging into some of these fabulous ladies blogs too!
Mandy from A Sorta Fairytale
Lacy from Living on Love
Mary from The Sauers
Melody from Dance Parties In the Rain
Martha from Softer Side of Strong

Inside That Mama Gretchen’s Mind

Want to know the nitty gritty about me? Here’s 100 fun facts that were featured in my Sunday Confessional. And don’t miss my mini mama meltdown and my thoughts on mornings

To celebrate 26 I shared a few more “about me” facts. Eek, that was almost a year ago now! What has been your best year? This year I’m celebrating 27 and have so much in store!

All That Pregnancy & Birth Stuff

Are you pregnant now? Here’s a flashback to trimester one, two, and three from my first pregnancy!

Jemma is going to be a big sister to .. A LITTLE BROTHER! Follow pregnancy #2 here.

Nothing beats a 40 hour birth story. Grab a cup of tea and settle in for Jemma’s grand entrance.Then, round about Jemma’s 2nd birthday I recapped the whole story in a much more positive light.

Max also got two posts on his birth (because I’m all about trying to keep things somewhat balanced between babies uno and dos). Check out my 4 hour labor and the play by play with photos too!

Not that you’re asking for advice, but if we were out to coffee I’d want you to know things to have at home after your baby is born, what I keep in my nursing basket, and how awesome placentas are. Oh, and if you’re having a baby, you must make this!

That Parenting Journey —> It’s Pretty Natural

Here’s where I talk about wool for cloth diapering … the giveaways are closed, but WOOL WEEK was chalk full of info and advice about the wonders of wool!

And, some more on cloth diapers … our stash, routine, and wash schedule.

*Bright shining lights* After all the emails and questions from friends I finally posted my basic 411 of cloth diapers with a billion links and what I like and all that jazz. It’s over at Baby Gizmo — take a peek at Cloth Diapers 101 and Cloth Diapers 102 and if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to email (

We have followed a baby-led weaning approach with food, here you can read more about it as well as see bits and pieces of what baby/toddler friendly meals we love!

I bet by now you’ve guessed that we think cosleeping and cobathing are pretty awesome too.

That Project You Wanna Do

Homemade Christmas started in 2011. Since we are a one income family we are on a tight budget and I decided homemade was the place to be! We’ll see how much extra time I can round up for homemade goodies this year.

With the new house I’ve been planning, dreaming and blogging about all my inspirations – things like tables and living space. My, how dreams change over the years! There’s gonna be a lot more on this topic so stay tuned with all the posts tagged HOME.

That Party You Wanna Attend

I’m always in the mood for a fun party, don’t miss out on these ones:

Jemma’s Alice in Wonderland (dubbed Jemma in ONE-derland) Party
Mustache Baby Shower
Celebrating our heritage with an Everyone Loves an Italian Girl Party

All That Yumminess

More Milk Cookies are the best when you want to support or boost lactation … or whenever you’re craving a cookie :) And, don’t forget this brilliant crockpot yogurt recipe! 

Bottom line – I’m pretty obsessed with the crockpot. Because c’mon, aren’t all mamas? Well, that and easy, quick, somewhat healthy meals. I pin yummy ones here!

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  1. says

    Eeeek! I'm a little behind in my blog reading… but I am loving the new design! And your search bar :) And thank you so much for the shout out! :) xoxo