It’s late. I’m in pajamas. It’s allllmost time for my 4th meal (debating between a bowl of cereal or salt and vinegar chips). But, since it’s your lucky night, I’m holding off on my pregnancy cravings to share everything that has arrived for Jemma’s 1st grade homeschool year … via video!
Here’s the link list I promised …
- Abeka Spelling and Poetry 1
- Abeka Language 1
- Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power and Kick Start Cursive
- Four Square Writing Method
- Primary Journal
- Ticonderoga Black Pencils
- Abeka My America and My World, Grade 1 History and Geography
- Primary Atlas
- Story of the World, Volume 1
- Story of the World, Volume 1, Activity Book
- Abeka Arithmetic 1
- Teaching Textbooks 3
- Games: Smath and Pizza Fractions
- Abeka Discovering God’s World Grade 1 Science Reader
- Science Year by Year
- The Elements Book
I completely forgot to mention the 2 series Jemma is reading through in addition to all her fun novels.
Don’t forget to comment with the curriculum you love, math games that are fun, and recommendations for Bible!
Oh, and here’s the rundown of our Kindergarten year, if that interests you :) For the most part, we stuck to it and had a wonderful year! I did slack on the unit studies I had outlined. Totally blaming that on our our move and early pregnancy, but we got the basics done! Homeschooling really has been the best choice for our family and it makes me so happy to be able to confidently say that!
Last, but not least, I LOVE Amazon lists! Here’s a list of homeschool things we’ve used and here’s another of things we’re wishing for and hope to incorporate in the future! Granted, we don’t order it all from Amazon. I always look second hand first — sometimes through our coop, other times through a local homeschool consignment shop. I’ve had good luck at and too!
Some affiliate links are included above. When you shop through these links I earn a small commission (to buy curriculum, of course!), but your price doesn’t change one bit so shop away!
Nice job on the pencils 😉
Looking through your list it’s making me contemplate my language arts choice. I had listed Abeka English, but now I think I’ll look at the one you showed. I liked the English book for Liam, but it was super intense. And you helped me make a science decision I think, so thanks!
We are struggling with the Bible curriculum decision too!
And if you get the history channel (can find it online) I highly recommend Mysteries of the Museum and Mysteries of the Monuments. It has been the greatest supplement and the whole family will sit down to watch an episode (or five).
Sylvia and I were watching this at 730am. Her comments: “Jenna writes nice letters to me!” And “I have that journal too!”
Aw…love JUMEX juice! It’s from Mexico and it’s delicious. My favorite is the mango…yum!