This post was sponsored by CYBEX as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received the CYBEX Agis Travel System to facilitate my review.
I don’t love summer. Actually, it may be my least favorite season. I know, I know, scoff at me now. But, heat just isn’t my friend. Neither are bugs. Or sunburns. Pretty much, summer and I just clash. Because of this, the kids and I tend to hibernate indoors during the hottest hours of the days. Then, at night, we emerge. Like bats, but much cuter.
Night walks are our summer tradition. One of the only things I truly love about the summer months. It’s just so refreshing to be outside, visiting, walking, exploring, and laughing while the sun sets.
We don’t go every night, but once daylight saving happens night walks find their way onto our calendar frequently. On those special nights, we load up in the car after dinner, choose a fun location – park, lake, or neighborhood – and off we go! Sometimes we wear our pajamas so we’re ready to jump into bed once we get home, sometimes we nibble on dessert while we stroll, no matter what, these little adventures are finding an extra special place in my heart. I hope my kids grow up and cherish them as much as I do.
The highlight of our most recent night walk was two fold … first ^^^ BABY DUCKLINGS! Every photo I snapped of them turned out blurry, but you get the idea, they were beyond darling! Jemma and Max were absolutely smitten seeing them flit around on the water. They were so tiny! I’m guess just a week old or so. Second, Reid got to stroll in our new CYBEX Agis Travel System! I shared about our initial experience with the CYBEX Agis the other week and it’s proving to be a wonderful car seat stroller combo. There is so much to love about this brand and product!
For starters, I love the adjustable handle bar on the stroller. It has such range of motion! When it is fully extended it is a super comfortable for me to push and when it’s compact, it’s the perfect height for Jemma and Max to help push their little brother. The one hand recline backrest option transformed Reid’s seat for a mid-walk snooze and the sunshade is SPF 50 so if you do choose to venture out in full sun you can rest assured your little one is protected.
I’ll be honest though, one of my favorite things is quite simple – the front cross belly bar. It isn’t foam so it is easy to wipe clean and there is no chance for Reid to take bites out it when his teeth come in. And, well, I’ll let Reid showcase what he love most about it … it’s the perfect foot rest!
The CYBEX Agis Travel System is available at Buy Buy Baby. So, if you’re on the look out for a chic, functional stroller and crazy safe car seat swing in and take a peek at it in person. You won’t be disappointed! CYBEX knows what they are doing when it comes to essential features and luxury details of a travel system.
We’re pretty anti-summer here too. I haven’t considered night walks but that sounds lovely. I think we’ll try to make that work later this week!