What Reid Loves …

Reid is quickly approaching my all time favorite baby age – 5 months! With all 3 of my little ones, 5 months has meant sitting up, lots of smiles, and super chubby legs. It’s just too darling for words! At this age he’s really interacting with us, but can’t yet cause trouble. It’s perfection and I’ll forever cherish this specific season.

Since I have 100% failed at charting his favorites and milestones (blame that on #thirdchildproblems) I figured today was as good as day as any to pop in and share what my Reid is loving these days! 



ONE /// Singing songs! Nothing calms a fussy Reid like Jemma or Max crooning a sweet song to him. He can be in a full uproar and they’ll start singing You Are My Sunshine or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and before you know it he is grinning and laughing.

TWO /// Bath time! His love for baths is most likely half from being in the water kicking around and half from having his siblings play with him. It’s Jemma’s favorite thing to place a washcloth along his hairline and pretend he is Maid Marion from Robin Hood :)

THREE /// Tummy time! Believe it or not, this little guy loves being on his tummy.

FOUR /// Being outside! With the early summer in the Pacific Northwest, we’ve been outside a lot lately and Reid loves laying on the cross, cruising in the stroller, bopping around in the Tula, and wearing his sunglasses. The wind and sun on his face is totally his jam.

FIVE /// Clean and comfy diapers! Thanks to a hefty dose of real life we’ve essentially become a part time cloth diaper and part time disposable family. There was a time in my life where this would have been a crisis, but now, I fully embrace it. Grace, mamas, it’s yours for the taking! Huggies diapers rock my world when it comes to long days of errands, church nursery, and night time. Reid is happy no matter what as long as his diapers are fresh. And my happiness peaks when I score a deal on his diapers and wipes. Which, brings me to this crazy amazing deal at Sam’s Clubs … one of my favorite places to save on EVERYTHING!


You’ve got through June 5th to take advantage of a $3 instant savings on Huggies Little Snugglers at Sam’s Club and when you stack that with Huggies Natural Care Wipes you can also get a $10 Sam’s Club e-Gift Card. Savings upon savings upon savings – whoop, whoop! 

We love Huggies Little Snugglers and Natural Care Wipes for many reasons. The first being the amazing wetness indicator on the diapers. This is darn near brilliant when it comes to checking if a diaper is in need of a change. They’re comfortable too! For tiny newborn legs and big chunky, 5 month old ones too! As all parents know, a sturdy wipe for diaper changes — and everything else we use baby wipes for — is an absolute must! Huggies Natural Care Wipes are not only sturdy, but they are alcohol-free, hypoallergenic, and fragrance free. This means I feel safe using them on bottoms and more. 



You can find all the details about Huggies’ special offer at Sam’s Club here. I mean, seriously, an extra $10 is quite the big bonus for something you’re already using — don’t forget!

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