I clicked on my about page up above the other day and was alarmed to see that according to it I was still a mom of 2! Totally not true – Reid is here and has been for almost 5 months! Time for some updating!
So, I gave it a little makeover! Now the about page shares a nice little overview of my blog and myself. But, since that is only moderately interesting I thought I’d share a few extras about who That Mama Gretchen is …
First, see that hunk with me? We’ve almost been married for 9 years and this year we both turn 30. Pretty much, we’ve grown up together. We’ve lived in 2 cities and 6 apartments/houses. This coming year we hope to build a house and when Reid when we have grand plans to go on a cruise to Alaska to celebrate doing 10 years of life with each other!
Skinny asparagus is one of my favorite vegetable, we’ve been roasting it with garlic, evoo, and balsamic and it’s just fabulous! My other favorite veggie is onions. All kinds – red, white, caramelized, raw, in salsa, on burgers, you name it, I love it.
The best sound, by far, is when the dishwasher and washing machine are simultaneously running.
Graphic tees about mom life are totally my jam. Ones like this and this are the ultimate!
Lists, lists, and more lists. I can’t go digital with them. I have to write everything down. So, if you ever want to buy me a present, buy me a pretty notepad … the kind where you rip off pages one by one.
I’m borderline addicted to blind bags alongside Jemma and Max. We’re all about completing our sets! The latest collection we are working on is the Disney Lego Minifigs.
We are officially homeschooling next year! So much so that I declined the spot we got at a Montessori school and have started ordering our curriculum. I’m very excited and obviously a little scared too.
Ever since becoming a mom I’ve started getting these obnoxious chin hairs. Some are stark white and pokey, some are like my regular hair but dark. It’s awful and my tweezers are my best friend.
I swear by Command Strips.
If Joanna Gaines could decorate my house I would be in heaven! #fixerupperfanatic
Reading is my greatest hobby. I gave it up for awhile when the busyness of motherhood took over and it’s really true what they say, you make time for things that are important to you. Reading is important to me and I’m so happy I’m back at it!
Jemma calls us the “Peter Pan Family” because our kids are in the same order as the Darling children – girl, boy, boy. She’ll go in sprints where she will only address me as “Mrs. Darling”, Dom as “Mr. Darling”, Max as “John”, Reid as “Michael”, and herself as “Wendy” … specifically “Wendy Moira Angela Darling”. I love her.
As an official Disney loving mom (self-proclaimed, of course), I must say that I CANNOT wait for the new Beauty and the Beast.
It’s past midnight now (I’m always up late) and that is all the interesting stuff I can come up with about me. So, adios, adieu, and if you made it this far you better least a comment with something rad or interesting about yourself!
Has no one else made it to the end yet? Gretchen, it’s always fun to hear little tidbits about your life. :)
Random facts about me: I love drinking water out of an old glass from the 80’s that I grew up using at my grandma’s house (but my littlest dropped it and it broke this last week! So sad!) I love salad and eat it most days with dinner. Life is not worth living without dark chocolate. Have a fabulous day!
Ugh, the chin hairs. I get those too. =[