What I’ve Learned In 50 Months of Breastfeeding

If you were expecting a list on how I’ve reached this milestone — 50 months of breastfeeding, whoop, whoop, high five to me and my babies! — you’ll find this post lacking. Every situation is so unique, every mother/baby duo so special that what I’ve experienced is most likely very different from what you’ve experienced. Over the last 5 years I’ve rambled on multiple times about my breastfeeding journey. From discovering I have excess lipase to Jemma’s nursing strike to nursing a toddler and breastfeeding in public – it has been one wild ride and something I love sharing about!

But, what I’ve learned most, and the one piece of advice I’d send out into the tribe of breastfeeding mamas is to take one day at time. Breastfeeding isn’t made up of months, it’s made up of days, hours really, and precious nursing sessions – one by one by one. Looking back I never would have said, “Someday I will breastfeed for 50 months.” It feels like yesterday that I was just hoping and praying that Jemma and I could make it 6 months. And now, after having nursed Jemma for a year and Max for 3, I’m 10 weeks in to nursing babe #3. My jaw literally drops at these facts. I can hardly believe it and I cherish each of the breastfeeding seasons I’ve shared with each of my children. Now, with Reid, it is a whole new adventure. I’ve had to adjust and learn alongside him; one nursing session at a time. We’re falling into a groove though. A beautiful, priceless groove of bonding and growing together. 

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My partnership with The Breast Milagro couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I love honoring my role as a breastfeeding mom with their Alma leather bracelet. It is stamped with the phrase “Beneath the Breast Beats the Heart” and I couldn’t think of a more perfect sentiment to commenmorate this season of my life.

If there is one extra thing I could add on to “what I’ve learned”, it’s to take photos of you and your nursling! Like birth photos, it’s something you won’t regret being able to look back on. 

My beautiful breastfeeding bracelet is c/o The Breast Milagro. With Mother’s Day around the corner, I’m thinking a gift from the The Breast Milagro would be perfect for quite a few women in your life! Browse the shop and don’t miss the breastfeeding and breast cancer survivor stories. If you’re curious what a “milagro” is, you’ll want to read this too … I learned so much!

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