The Cloth Diapers I Reach For First

5 1/2 years.

Ya’ll, that’s how long I’ve been a cloth diaper mama. With no breaks. From one to the next to the next. Jemma and Max even overlapped for quite awhile!

In the beginning I loved cloth diapering. It was so fun to find new prints and try out new styles. Then it just became a lot of work; but a lot of work that saved a lot of money. So, I stuck with it. I’m still sticking with it, but the joy has returned now that I only have one in diapers. And trust, an itsy bitsy baby is really different than a full-fledged little man when it comes to diapers! Max had pretty much outgrown our one size diapers anyway so it’s a good thing he decided to jump ship and jump into unders.

With only one child in diapers, I’ve done some destashing to simplify our cloth diaper set up. Back in the day I entered the cloth diaper world with simple prefolds and covers. I still love those, especially with hemp inserts folded in between at night, but I’ve fallen in love with the ease of all in ones too. And that’s what brings us to this cuteness … Thirsties One Size All In One Cloth Diapers.

Thirsties sent Reid and I two all in one diapers from their Woodland Collection to review. And, since I’ve been around the block when it comes to cloth diapers I feel like after using our Thirsties all in ones for the last 2 months I can wholeheartedly say they’re the best diapers out there.

Being a Pacific Northwest family I couldn’t help but fall in love with the print. I mean, woodland animals and mountains scenes? Yes! But cuteness is ancillary. Cloth diapers are all about function and Thirsties has that in the bag. Take a peek at this:

thirsties inside

We have had zero leaks. They size up and down fabulously (we’re already on the second setting!) and they wash and wear like a dream. Our Thirsties all in ones are the cloth diapers I reach for first every time I change Reid … which means I probably need to get more! Our two are constantly in the wash!

I’ve been a Thirsties fan since the beginning. Their duo wrap diapers have long been my absolute favorite. That is, until I started leaning more towards the all in one camp. Honestly, the price point on both is spot on and for me, a mom of 3 who needs to change diapers efficiently, the little extra for an all in one is definitely worth it. I won’t be giving up my duo wraps anytime soon, but our Thirsties all in ones definitely have the trophy spot in our cloth diaper collection. Plus, they serve babes up to 40 pounds. A necessity for us seeing that Reid weighed 16 pounds, 13 ounces at his 2 month appointment!thirsties 3

thirsties 4

thirsties 2

Have you tried out Thirsties diapers yet? What is your favorite style/color/pattern? I need to decide on my next fave because this little cutie might just be finding a new one in his Easter basket this year! And I know, I know … he is too cute! Some people say he has that signature Gerber baby look going on, but I think he has more of a calling to be a Thirsties baby :) Don’t you agree?


A big thank you to Thirsties for helping me diaper Reid in style! We loved reviewing the all in ones!


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  1. says

    Jeez Louise, he is adorable. I love these prints! We have quite a variety of brands now but almost exclusively use all-in-ones with the occasional gDiaper… and disposables for laziness ;]