Reid’s Birth Announcements By Minted

When my chunky little man was still in utero I ran across the perfect birth announcement for him. It was from Minted, of course, and the moment I saw it, I just knew. Seriously, as I hovered over the preview, I could imagine my little squish’s photo and I 100% fell in love. The gold foil, the simple text … everything about it was perfect.

After Reid was born I hemmed and hawed about which photo to use. I took some darling ones when he was a week old, but, to me, birth announcements are all about those first, fresh moments of life earth side. I landed on a favorite from LCS Photography. In fact, this was the photo I sent out via text (that I took with my phone of the back of Christine’s camera) announcing Reid’s arrival. He doesn’t look a bit like this anymore, but cross my heart, it’s him!

minted birth announcement



Once again, Minted went above and beyond with these cards. Not only did they offer a spectacular design, I had some trouble with the word spacing and their design team fixed it right up for me. I love that I was able to add a more robust greeting on the back too. Printing was top notch and let’s face it, there is something wonderful about quality envelopes. When it comes to special moments – holidays, weddings, BIRTHS! … I can’t think of a better design and resource center than Minted. 

And now, the precious outtakes …

baby toes


Birth announcements c/o Minted, and if you missed Reid’s birth story — here it is!

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