31 + 32 Weeks

Don’t let yourself miss the amazing giveaway going on this week … roughly $700 worth of baby and mama goodness!

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How far along: 32 weeks

Gender: Little mister!

Weight gain: I’ve been organizing our master bathroom in anticipation of our home birth. During my cleaning spree I found our old scale, replaced the batteries and learned that I’m weighing in at 168 pounds; that’s plus 23-28 pounds or so since my pre-preggo running days.

Sleep: A few nights a week I migrate to the guest room – complete with 5 pillows of propped up and supported heaven.

Best moment this week: At the last minute Jemma decided that I should be a black cat for Halloween. She informed me that I had a black shirt and pants and could complete my look with her kitty mask :) I obliged and named myself Kitty Surprise in honor of the brave feline mamas out there who have no idea if triplets, quadruplets, or quintuplets are part of their future or not! P.S. Jem’s real Kitty Surprise had triplets … 2 girls and 1 boy. Congrats, Snow!

Worst moment this week: I acquired heartburn from a bowl of raspberries. RASPBERRIES! I can’t tie it to anything else and am still traumatized about how awful it was. 

Miss anything: Feeling sane. My poor kids must think I’m such a rollercoaster. We go from crazy, fun days to uber productive ones to full on all-day movie days while I lounge and rest. They never know what to expect since pregnancy hormones are driving this train.

Movement: If the sun is down, this baby is rockin’ and rollin’. 

Cravings: Planning a Quizno’s stop soon – turkey, guac, red onions, it all sounds so good!

Looking forward to: My next appointment … I love visiting with my midwife and for this appointment my two doulas are tagging along. One is in training and another (our doula from Max) is a maybe as she also has an out of town wedding around my due date. Either way, I wanted them both to meet my midwife before D-Day!

What Jemma thinks: “I just can’t wait for our baby to be born! I’m just so excited to feed him, well, you know, when he’s older, and rock him, and snuggle him, and read him stories! I need to keep practicing reading so I can learn all his favorite baby books!”

What Max thinks: I asked him if he was feeling excited about his baby brother … “Dat baby is coming out at Cwistmas! I love Cwistmas! But, um, how he get out of your belly?”

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