This Month On

October Tieks for FallPopping in to share a few of my writing pieces that aren’t on my blog, but are on the internet! These could also be called “The Fruits of Mom’s Panera Escape” since that is where I tend to do most of my focused writing these days :) And, as always, thank you so much for your love and support as I meander my way through freelance work. It’s a huge, scary world, but every step I take seems to affirm that I’m doing the right thing. 

The 10 Day TV Detox

“Truly, I’m thankful to have Daniel Tiger and Disney movies as willing babysitters when I’m not feeling well or needing a mom time out. But long-term, it just wasn’t an option for our family.”

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7 Reasons I Take My Kids To the Chiropractor

“The goal of chiropractic is to keep our bodies working well. That way, when illness arrives, our bodies are equipped to fight it off without intervention.”

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8 Reasons I’m a Ben Carson Fan

“Not only is political activism crucial for the future wellness of our children, it is a great way for us mamas to stretch our mental borders from nap time struggles at home to foreign affairs across an ocean. So often I find myself stuck in the here and now of my role as a mom. Pausing to assess the political climate, research a candidate and weigh in on a healthy debate expands my worldview and keeps mom life in check.”

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You Call Me An Anti-Vaxxer, But That’s Not What I Am

“Rather than boldly be in favor of all vaccines or negate the value of every last one, I find myself studying like I’ve never studied before.”

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