Homeschool Adventures … Spring Nature Walk

homeschool nature walk

Much of what we do in regard to homeschooling falls into the “play” category. With Jemma and Max being 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 respectively, book work just isn’t necessary most days. They’re at the age where play is their best teacher and so, that’s what we often do. During the week and as often as we can, on the weekends with Daddy in tow.

To be completely honest though, I’m eager for the book time … where we can all sit at the table and work in quiet together. I’ll make double cocoas for them and drink my coffee in one sitting while they plug away at math worksheets and essay writing. I’ve told my mama a few times that I love the idea of homeschooling come 4th, 5th, 6th grade, but am SO daunted by these early years where such foundational concepts need to be accomplished. 

There’s my homeschooling vent for now :) We’re plugging away at play and I’m constantly picking the minds of mamas who have gone before me on how to juggle the early elementary years. Opening up the comments now for all your insights and “you can do it even though it seems scary” cheers!

The gorgeous Northwest weather has turned much of our play lessons outdoors. After a long winter of building and crashing towers inside with Max and keeping him out of Jemma’s delicate, small piece projects I am breathing a sigh of relief as I shuffle us all out the door. Here in Washington there is a thing called a Discover Pass and it gives us unlimited access to all the state parks. We have one very close to our home, and although there were signs about a cougar siting last year, I’m feeling bravely cautious as we hit the trail for some Spring exploring.

With homeschooling plans, I’m constantly pinning resources and worksheets, because there is no reason on Earth for me to recreate something that has already been done. Enter this FREE worksheet from Teachers Pay Teachers and I had no preparation other than printing and appropriately dressing the littles for our Spring Nature Walk last weekend! Oh, and binoculars and magnifying glasses … because those make outside I Spy 10x more fun :) nature walk 1nature walk 3 nature walk 2 nature walk 9 nature walk 6 nature walk 10

As we traipsed along the path and bridges in our sturdy footwear from the awesome team at Rack Room Shoes we followed our Spring Nature Walk worksheet taking note of what we saw, heard, smelled, touched and tasted. Yes, SMELLED, the poor teacher who made this darling worksheet must have been creating a bit too late in the evening because smelt is a fish, not a sense.  It looks like I’ll turn out to be an awesome homeschool mom/teacher after all, lol! Jemma was fascinated with our conversation about the 5 senses and wanted every line filled in with her precise descriptions. Max? He was beyond happy to bop everything he saw with a giant stick. He even tried to spear a little salamander! Which we promptly saved from Max’s attack. nature walk 7 nature walk 5 nature walk 13 nature walk 8

A family homeschool adventure wouldn’t be complete without a silly face photo. These are always Jemma’s request and let’s face it, asking everyone to smile in the same direction at the same second is a feat not worth my efforts. After all, I’ve got senses to teach and salamanders to save!nature walk 12In love with our shoes? We sure are! They all proved to be super comfortable and sturdy and will transition beautifully from our Spring to Summer outdoor adventures. Here’s exactly what we wore and where you can find them … Dominic’s Nike Torch 4 tennis shoes /// Gretchen’s B.O.C Levina strappy platform clogs /// Jemma’s Sperry Biscayne HL boat shoes /// Max’s Crocs Baya slip ons.

What learning adventures do you have planned for the nice weather this year? We’re mapping out our Spring & Summer Bucket List and I can’t wait to keep our learning outdoors!

When shopping at Rack Room Shoes there are a few things to remember …

  • Easy Rewards Program so you earn money back on your purchases
  • Everyday BOGO 50% off 2nd pair sale
  • Free shipping on all orders over $50

    A big thank you to Rack Room Shoes for sponsoring our fabulous footwear. These shoes will carry us well through Spring, Summer and hopefully Fall if the nice weather sticks around :) 

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  1. says

    So glad you are doing this homeschooling thing before me, so I can pick your brain! Tossing around the idea about starting in the fall, probably not necessary but it also would give us some extra activities when the weather turns.

    Also, I’m in love with your shoes in these pictures!

    • Gretchen says

      It’s really just organized play at this point :) I feel like anything that increases our vocabulary and introduces new topics is a win!

      And thanks, they’re seriously so comfy. Guess I should have expected that from a BORN brand :)

  2. Stephanie says

    I absolutely adore this idea! I dream of living in the NW one day. We currently live in AZ and it makes summer adventurous play something that can only be done before 8 am!

    We’re going to the Desert Museum this weekend. I’m going to use a sheet like this to make it more interactive for my 3-year-old!

    A blog for the win!