Oven Bacon

I’m up late watching the After Rose Finale – weeks late, I know. The Bachelor/ette is really such a train wreck, I really can’t stand it. And yet, here I am snuggled on the couch, watching trash and getting ready to share something amazing with you — bacon!

But not just any bacon, bacon that you make in the oven. 


Is this news to you? Have you been making bacon in the oven forever? If so, skip this post, it’s nothing new for you. Read this instead. But if you’re like the old me and avoiding requests for bacon breakfasts so you don’t have to stand over the stove getting splattered with hot grease, this post is for you. 

oven bacon

  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Rally one of these – I prefer my bacon to not bake in its’ grease. Hence, the drip pan set up is brilliant.
  3. Lay out your bacon, barely touching. 
  4. Pop it into the oven for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Set about your other breakfast prep while the oven perfects your bacon – my personal favorites to accompany your bacon are here and hereoven bacon 2

Now, a few words about bacon. I’ve become a bit of a snob thanks to Zaycon. It’s a bulk meat service that travels around the country so I highly recommend signing up and keeping tabs on when Zaycon is in your neighborhood. This bacon is AMAZING. The absolute best when it comes to flavor, cut, fat ratio; there is just no comparison. Zaycon bacon is medium cut hickory smoked and pre-packed fresh and then frozen in 3 pound slabs. You purchase it in 36 pound blocks and it’s usually around $3.75 a pound for a total of $136 ish. Did I mention it’s delicious? I promise, you’ll won’t be disappointed in the slightest.

Speaking of bulk meat … I also purchase our chicken and beef in bulk too. 

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  1. says

    We also love Zaycon bacon. I’ll sometimes bake it in bulk, chop then freeze for bacon bits.

    • Gretchen says

      What a smart idea!