Happy Birthday – Star Wars Style

Earlier this year my Reid turned 7 … SEVEN! We celebrated with a Star Wars themed birthday party and it was just too fun and delicious not to share the details!

Inspired by our Millennium Falcon waffle maker we planned a Star Wars brunch. The kids had such a blast coming up with names for each of our dishes.

Jemma and Eli assembled lightsabers while Reid and I attempted to twist crescent rolls into something that resembled a tie fighter. Points for trying … right?

We didn’t love the Quiche Batuu so I won’t share that recipe, but we did love the Vader Tater Breakfast Casserole – I mean, The Food Charlatan always comes through with solid recipes. I even froze some leftover squares and it has made wonderful, quick breakfasts this winter when we need something on the go.

Jem turned my sister’s classic gingerbread recipe into Chewbacca and at the last minute Dominic grabbed donut holes and Rolos from the grocery store because it seemed like a birthday party needed more treats :)

And finally, the drink menu! Because apparently Star Wars is all about beverages … just like Reid! Boy loves his drink options. So, Hoth Chocolate, Skywalker Smoothies, and Green Milk.

Reid said the Green Milk recipe I found was not anything like Disneyland’s version. So, back to the drawing board there. Do you have a good one?

All in all it was a wonderful celebration! I cannot believe my little guy is seven years old!

Plusalso, it’s worth mentioning my number one party trick … opt for a yard of fabric that coordinates with your theme rather than a disposable table cloth. I’ve also been known to buy a roll of themed gift wrap and cover the table or island in it (as well as wrapping the gifts), but I like the fabric option more because you/grandma can do so much with a yard … zippered bags, pillowcases, library tote bags, etc.

Runner up tip – have the kids round up their toys that match the theme and make those part of the decor! It’s the perfect way to double dip!

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