January Duo

January DuoI’d like to say this is the first of twelve installments of my little duo. 

Buuuuuut, we all know I really stink at daily/weekly/monthly challenges. So, may I present just January! perhaps the first of four or nine or twelve … or maybe the one and only :)

Jem is really into laying out her clothes each night. And when I say “laying out” she literally lays them on the floor like a little clothing body. It’s funny and creepy and soooo type A. Her church selection was her “Nutcracker dress” because it was the one she wore to the Nutcracker back in December :) Jemma also has an elephant’s memory. She NEVER forgets. It’s a Fab Kids number and has the sweetest exposed zipper on the back.

Max, on the other hand, does not lay out his clothes. Actually, it’s a hilarious and sweaty wrestling match to get him changed out of pajamas. He kinda sorta hates wearing most clothes. Shirts are usually ok and he’s all about picking out the color of his cloth diaper, but pants and shoes – not his jam. The first thing he does in the car is kick off his shoes and the first thing when he walks in the door at home is ask to take off his pants. God bless his wife.

My favorite thing of all, though, is how Max tucked his granola bar underneath his arm just like Jemma … like sister, like brother :) 

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