
coffee tableMy staged coffee table that will quickly be replaced by puzzles, blocks or trains :)

Buying /// my mama the best Mother’s Day gift from Nordstrom and earning cash back through eBates! Sweet thing also found my Mother’s Day gift at Nordies, because, yes, my mama buys me a gift every year because she says she wouldn’t be a mama without me!

Snapping /// photos of our living room for a feature and giveaway later this month. I stayed up late getting everything picked up and arranged and took photos first thing before the wee ones exploded everything into its’ normal state.

Scoring /// Birkenstocks on eBay! And then they were too small :/ #luckysisterwithsmallerfeet

Struggling /// with changes in our extended family; creating boundaries, imagining new traditions and praying the Lord brings ample restoration to our hearts. I’m reading Carry On, Warrior and loving how some of Glennon’s lesson are applying to where I’m at.

Losing /// my mind. It’s been the war of the threenager and her PMSing mother lately. Because, that’s right – after 19 months postpartum my cycle returned. In and of itself it hasn’t been bad, but the surrounding symptoms have been – headaches, breakouts, no patience, insomnia, moody as hell.

And some links to share …

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