Have Shoes, Will Run … Austin, Texas 5K

Ya’ll are just aching to hear about the 5K, right?

Good news is … I’m staying up late to write about it! Great news is … I’m already looking forward to my next race in March so you know it must have gone decent! The running bug has bit and I think I’m officially owning the title of “runner”. Well, probably more accurately “jogger”, but setting my sights on the final goal has got to count for something, so runner it is.

This 5K was more special than most because 1) It timed perfectly for our Texas trip which equated to my first ever destination race and 2) I wasn’t running solo, this race was all about me and my main ladies —> my amazing mama and fabulous sisters.

We trained, coordinated outfits, and paired up by our pace goals. Paramount Break-A-Leg 5K … HERE WE COME!

austin 5k 5austin 5k paramount

Before dawn we woke up, donned our Team Cheetah gear and drove an hour into the heart of Austin. It was dark, the kids were tired and we may have gotten a bit lost (to the tune of a mile or so!) while walking to the starting line, BUT we made it with 8 minutes to spare! Phewf!

The kick off horn sounded and off we went … straight up a hill :/

Hannah, my youngest sister, is the true runner. She has clocked some good times in past races and I luckily (?) was paired with her as my pace buddy. Between her encouragement and her beeping Garmin we whooped that hill’s trash to the tune of Gwen Stefani (me) and Jason Derulo (her). The terrain eased up as we passed Texas’ Capitol building, looped near the University and finally, FINALLY, towards the finish. Three miles is a long stretch. Never let anyone tell you it’s not. Running doesn’t come easy to most so I’m really proud that this mama couch potato has persevered through a 5K twice now.

Since we were all running, our in action race shots are lacking. I’ll bless you with this one gem though. Thanks Katie for the quick snap!

austin 5k in action


And the “OMG! We did it!” selfie :)austin 5k 11

The brave Uncle Aaron (Hannah’s husband) wrangled the kids and then helped take our sweaty, adrenaline infused 5K completion shots. Not only was the weather perfect in Austin … clear skies, no rain, perfect temp … we all count it pretty darn fabulous to have logged such a fun memory in our bank of mama sister adventures.

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The name Team Cheetah obviously came from our wild and awesome leggings. I discovered the L.A. based shop on Instagram and what can I say, they spoke to me! Nothing screams 5K domination like a pair of bright colored  leggings, right? And these aren’t the only show stoppers AyAyAy offers – I love the Ikat too! 

All great races start with a good foundation … SHOES! Thus, we paired our cheetah leggings with a sturdy spread of purple and pink athletic shoes compliments of Rack Room Shoes. Here’s the rundown …

KATHY (my mama) /// This 56 year old running fool had one request for her shoes … “wild!” and wild I delivered with her Asics Gel-Noosa Tri 9

ME /// My Asics Gel-Cumulus Lit were the epitome of comfort and my first ever experience with Asics. They didn’t take long to break in at all and are mega supportive. I may just be an Asics convert …

KATIE /// Katie sported the Nike Relentless 4 which, and I quote “are a perfect fit for my low volume, slender feet – LOVE Nikes!”

HANNAH /// As much as I fell in love with my Asics, Hannah is a die hard Nike girl. She killed this 5K in her Nike FS Lite Run 2.

Pre-race jitters went out the window when Team Cheetah picked up our race bibs – the perfect matching purple! Icing on the cake for a fun and fabulous girls run if I do say so myself. We can’t wait for another … I’m daring to say we’ll make a girls 5K an annual tradition!

Which, leads me to my one little bit of running advice … consistent practice equals consistent results. For me, this means hitting the pavement at least 3 times a week and ALWAYS working towards a race. I made the mistake of not picking a new 5K after my last race and I lost all my stamina and had to start training back at square one! A pending race day apparently keeps me motivated and committed to my training so, for accountability’s sake, my next race is March 15th and here are my Break-A-Leg results … austin 5k results

Is a 5K on your horizon too? I promise you can do it! I had never ever ever run before last August and now it’s something I find peace and stress relief in. And, if you’re a runner (or just a tennis shoe lover) are you in the Asics or Nike camp? Or something else? Spill the running wisdom!

Our shoes were generously provided by Rack Room Shoes and we received a discount from AyAyAy Apparel for our matching tights leggings. Check the out of Facebook (Rack Room + AyAyAy) and Instagram (Rack Room + AyAyAy) and I’m betting you’ll catch wind of awesome sales and product debuts!

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