Oh my lanta.
That was rough.
Well, it kind of still is (evening nausea anyone?), but I’m aiming to begin the start of the week, AND the start of my second trimester, with a brighter perspective and manageable to do list. And yay, you get to check it out, because what else would you want to do on Monday besides get yourself one of those amazing new cinnamon almond milk macchiatos from Starbucks?
Now, don’t be too jealous of my illustrious to dos. I set the bar high when I’m in survival mode!
Try out my new popcorn maker.
Start to organize Jem’s baby girl clothes for a BIG Instagram sale because … yep, baby #4 is a BOY! Stay tuned here.
Finish reading this. Although, I’m already pretty sure that this book is my favorite of all the Moriarty novels.
Catch up on our budget log. We run it all through Quicken and it’s my job to categorize expenses. And, dare I confess, I’m a full 6 weeks behind! #blamingbaby
Choose a box each day to unpack and determine if we actually need what is inside.
Explore another new park! We found one we love, but you gotta mix it up on occasion!
Visit the local cider mill. Because … yum!
Order this and this for Spring science lessons.
I have a popcorn popper like that. Love it. Be careful when turning it over after it is done popping. The lower metal part gets hot and it is easy to touch it to your hand or arm leaving a burn. Just don’t have the kids right next to you during this step until you get used to using it!
I just finished Truly Madly Guilty this week (I started at something like #377 on the library hold list – waited a LONG time!). I gotta say…something seemed, well, missing from it. Maybe I’m immune to the trademark Moriarty story arc (a huge unnamed event happens, everyone is recovering, and we learn what it is and the repercussions towards the end of the story) but I found myself thinking, “Just TELL ME what happened already!” :) My favorite of hers is What Alice Forgot, probably because it was the first one I read and it sucked me right in.