Mother Runner Playlist

Has the day really come where I’ve completed the majority of my 5K training?

I’ve been out in the heat, pounding the pavement, lathering on the Deep Blue for 20+ runs now. Miracles. Miracle of miracles a la Fiddler on the Roof.

Now, does 20+ runs give me true mother runner status? Probably not. But let’s all role with it and take a peek at my playlist …Screen shot 2014-07-30 at 2.04.44 PMTop songs that I just may have on repeat most runs are —>

  • Boom Clap from Charli XCX – probably my official run song
  • Young and Beautiful from Lana del Rey – because, obviously
  • Dark Horse from Katy Perry – I run as fast as one, so this is a natural choice

And never fear, my earbuds are secured in my sinful little ears for those explicit, albeit motivation, songs.

What songs do you like to get your sweat on to? Do tell! Then I can create a Mother Runner Encore Playlist :)

P.S. I recently added Take Me Home from Cash Cash to my playlist – LOVE! I run so fast (like a 10:30 mile) to that tune!

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  1. Christi says

    Burn- Ellie Goulding
    Latch –
    Bang bang