

This morn round one of our family arrives, tomorrow round two. And with that, I’m signing off for a bit! We’re going to do Christmas right with a little less technology, a little more wine, and a lot more family fun and kiddo snuggles. Sounds just about right if you ask me :)

I may still do some writing, maybe just for me or maybe to share some time in 2015. TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN! How is it almost the New Year already? I’m also planning to catch up on my Project Life — I’m 8 months behind! Eek! Chatbooks has been calling my name too; I’m thinking one per year or one per season/4 each year … have you tried them out yet?

During my hiatus you can still find me at Baby Gizmo and obviously, my fave, Instagram :) I have two ongoing campaigns during my little break too and would love for you to check them out and grab a coupon or a find a yummy recipe from these two fabulous sponsors.

See ya’ll some time in the New Year! Merry Christmas!

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